The Skorr are a race of bipedal ornithoid beings. (TAS: "The Jihad")
- The Skorr closely resemble the Aurelians. (TAS: "Yesteryear")
Their homeworld, Alpha Carinae II, was known as "The Eyrie."
In the 21st century, a Skorr religious leader, Alar, led the race to a new era of peace. After his death, his thought patterns were encoded into a sculpture known as the Soul of Skorr. ("The Jihad")
A Declaration-class starliner, SS Accord, was the first known Federation vessel to make first contact with the Skorr, in the early 22nd century. ("The USS Accord Fictional Timeline v. 3.0")
In the early 24th century, a treaty between the Skorr and the Federation regarding the leasing of orbital space above the Eyrie for the location of Starbase 18 was renegotiated. (Starship Webster: The Emissary)
External links[]
- Skorr article at Memory Alpha, the canon Star Trek wiki.
- Skorr article at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek wiki.