Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe
You may also be looking for Squadron.

A squad is a military unit that in size and organisation below a platoon.

Breen Confederacy[]

A chedhn is the Breen equivalent of a squad and comprised of between 3 - 20 soldiers. (The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon)

Cardassian Union[]

A tekhasor was the Cardassian equivalent to a squad and was made up of around 8 soldiers commanded by a kel. (The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon)


A squad in the Dominion is comprised of three Jem'Hadar. (The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon)

Klingon Defense Force[]

A Klingon Defense Force squad is approximately 5 warriors commanded by a noncommissioned officer or an officer of the rank of lieutenant or lower. (The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon)

Romulan Star Empire[]

A ter'val is the Romulan equivalent to a squad and was between 5 - 13 soldiers commanded by a sergeant or sublieutenant. (The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon)

Starfleet Ground Forces[]

A Starfleet Ground Forces squad is between 3 and 12 Starfleet soldiers and is typically commanded by an ensign or lieutenant JG. (LUG RPG: The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon)
