Star Trek Expanded Universe
Russell-head "That fan-film...those stories...that fanon...they exist! In here."

Unfortunately all the sources for this article have been lost. If you know of an alternate source please help STEU by updating the information in this article.

Star Trek: Epic is a fan fiction series set in 2803 that follows the adventures of USS Epic. It was started on February 27th, 2009 and was abandoned by the author by the 21st of March.



0x01: Pilot: The World Around You

Season 1[]

  • 1x01: A New Threat Part 1
  • 1x02: A New Threat Part 2
  • 1x03: Through the Looking glass
  • 1x04: Broken Time
  • 1x05: Tomorrow's Epic
  • 1x06: Mixe

External link[]
