Star Trek: Nature's Hunger is the umbrella title for Star Trek fan films set aboard the USS Crusader, commanded by Captain Terry Ramses.
José E. Cepeda is the executive producer, director and writer. There were 38 short films, produced between 2011 and 2021. A 39th, A Fighting Chance, is scheduled for release in 2021.
External links[]
Social media[]
Season 1[]
- Enterprise Drydock: Welcome Home (2011) on YouTube
- Enterprise Drydock: Welcome Aboard, Captain (2011) on YouTube
- Enterprise Drydock Crew Under Pressure (2011) on YouTube
Season 2[]
- Shuttlecraft Journey (2011) on YouTube
- Spider Slayer (Part 1 of 2) (2011) on YouTube
- Spider Slayer (Part 2 of 2) (2011) on YouTube
- Creature in the Shuttlecraft aka Shuttlecraft Spider Attack (2011) on YouTube
- Gorn Attack Starbase 11 (2011) on YouTube
- Planet of the Apes Meets Star Trek (Part 1 of 2) (2011) on YouTube
- Planet of the Apes Meets Star Trek (Part 2 of 2) (2011) on YouTube
- Trek Desperate Times aka Desperate Federation (2011) on YouTube
- Dark Secrets (2011) on YouTube
- Planet Mystery (2011) on YouTube
Season 3[]
- Smitten by the Love Bug (2011) on YouTube
- Company of Vampires: Nightmare (2011) on YouTube
- Star Trek Musical: Everybody Was Phaser Firing (2011) on YouTube
- Star Trek Musical: Fight Every Klingon Till Your Trek Comes True (2011) on YouTube
Season 4[]
- Star Trek Meets the Wizard of Oz: Can Dorothy Escape Oz? (2012) on YouTube
- Star Trek Meets the Wizard of Oz: Somewhere Over the Universe (The Musical) (2012) on YouTube
- Star Trek Meets the Wizard of Oz: Can Dorothy Escape Oz? (version 2.0) (2012) on YouTube
- Star Trek Meets the Wizard of Oz: Second Thoughts on Dorothy (2012) on YouTube
- Star Trek Meets the Wizard of Oz: The Art of Retrieving Dorothy (2012) on YouTube
- Star Trek Meets the Wizard of Oz: The Troublesome Road Home (2012) on YouTube
- Star Trek Meets the Wizard of Oz: Flying Monkey Battles (2013) on YouTube
Season 5[]
- The Red Shirt Survival Guide (2013) on YouTube
- Star Trek Meets the Wizard of Oz: I Thought Starfleet Was Only a Dream (Part 1) (2013) on YouTube
- Star Trek Meets the Wizard of Oz: I Thought Starfleet Was Only a Dream (Part 2) (2013) on YouTube
- Dorothy's Secret Diary (2014) on YouTube
- Star Trek Encounters Silence of the Lambs (2014) on YouTube
- I Didn't Join Starfleet to Become a Babysitter (2014) on YouTube
Season 6[]
- Dorothy's Awesome Shuttlecraft Adventure (2014) on YouTube
- Why Toto Can't Join Starfleet (2015) on YouTube
- The Starfleet Screw Up (2015) on YouTube
Season 7[]
- Scorned at the Captain's Table (2015) on YouTube
- The Darkside of Starfleet Justice (2016) on YouTube
- Sting of the Prosecution (2017) on YouTube
- Quest for a Champion (2018) on YouTube