Star Trek Expanded Universe

Star Trek: Tales of the USS Bluefin is a fan fiction series about the captain and crew of a small border cutter, the USS Bluefin, set in the late 24th century in the immediate post-Dominion War period.


The series chronicles the adventures of Captain Joseph B. Akinola and the crew of the Border Service cutter, USS Bluefin. Set primarily in the post - Dominion War era, the crew of the Bluefin is often called upon for escort and SAR missions far from her normal patrol area.

In many ways, the Starfleet Border Service performs a role similar to the modern-day U.S. Coast Guard. These men and women are not explorers, they are not diplomats, and they are not the front-line defenders of the Federation. But without Border Service crews on ships like the Bluefin, there would likely be more piracy, more smuggling, a larger slave trade, and fewer rescued space travelers.



  • "Semper Paratus"
  • "Storms and Shadows"
  • "Cascade Effect"
  • "Through a Glass, Darkly"
  • "Fatal Distraction"
  • "Crossroads"
  • "The More Things Change"
  • "Stand-off!"
  • "God in the Machine"
  • "No Honor Among Thieves" (Work in Progress)

Short Stories & Vignettes[]

  • "Future Tense"
  • "Shore Patrol!"
  • "The Nightmare"
  • "This Ain't Hell, But . . ."
  • "Notification Letter"
  • "Send in the Clowns"
  • "Right Place, Wrong Time"

Canon and continuity[]

The continuity of Star Trek: Tales of the USS Bluefin includes:

Non-canon continuity includes the events in the following fan fiction series:

External links[]
