Star Trek Expanded Universe

Star Trek: The Prospect Chronicles was a fan fiction series taking place from 2365 until 2372, featuring the adventures of the crew of the USS Prospect (NCC-60056) and later the USS Prospect (NCC-60056-A). It spawned three spin-off series, including Star Trek: Shabonee, Star Trek: Advantage and Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions.

Central and Major Supporting Characters[]

Character Position Introduced Last Seen
John Greene Commanding officer "False Security" Regular
Star Trek: Advantage
Anne Lansing First officer "False Security" Guest star
Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions
Kari Eriksson Second officer "The Burnt Child" "Directive"
Jason Athelstan Engineer "False Security" "Home"
Amy Peale A & A officer Star Trek: Shabonee: "Dirge" "Directive"
Justin O'Donovan Chief medical officer "False Security" "Directive"
Steve Tedesco Security officer Guest star
Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions
Bryan Radke Engineer Guest star
Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions
Daniel Radke Counselor "False Security" Regular
Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions
Karin Hopper Assistant counselor "Directive"
Hahn Jun-Seok Special Ops liaison "False Security" Guest star
Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions
Wendy Forrester Security officer Star Trek: Shabonee: "Dirge" "Directive"
Jennifer Drever Flight controller "False Security" "Directive"
George Stratos Security chief "False Security" "Directive"
Julie Greene Assistant flight controller "Directive"
Michael Greene Chief engineer "False Security" "Directive"
Geoff Yamaguchi Assistant chief medical officer "Directive"


Pilot - 2364[]

Episode Name Stardate Synopsis
0.1 "False Security" Daniel Radke returns to the USS Artemis from a conference with news some Starfleet officers are behaving strangely. Is all what it seems with the Federation?

Season 1 - 2365[]

Episode Name Stardate Synopsis
1.1 "The Tzenkethi Incident"
1.2 "Rose Tint My World"
1.3 "Mass Extinction"
1.4 "The Cardassian Connection"
1.5 "Cascade Failure"
1.6 "The King Has Lost His Crown"

Season 2 - 2366[]

Episode Name Stardate Synopsis
2.1 "What a Difference a Day Makes"
2.2 "Stress Fractures"
2.3 "The Forbidden"
2.4 "Parting"
2.5 "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back"
2.6 "Children of the Revolution"

Season 3 - 2367[]

Episode Name Stardate Synopsis
3.1 "The Burnt Child" 43992.1 The Borg are attacking the Federation, and John Greene, Anne Lansing and Daniel Radke all face separate stories that intertwine to face the Borg and the aftermath...
3.2 "Starry, Starry Night" The USS Prospect's new operations manager and second officer Kari Eriksson finds herself intrigued by an alien painter, with the intrigue growing to an almost obsession...
3.3 "Honor Thy Father" The USS Prospect discovers a recently vacated planet with no trace of its inhabitants or foul play. But what their investigation finds shocks the crew...
3.4 "Live to Tell" USS Prospect CMO Dr. Justin O'Donovan and flight controller Jennifer Drever head back to the Prospect after a medical conference but things aren't quite what they appear...
3.5 "The Name of the Game" En route to the Skaaro homeworld to help investigate terrorism by a rebel faction, the USS Prospect discovers more than one hidden agenda. In the meantime, Michael Greene finds love aboard the ship...
3.6 "Lady Lazarus" 44836.8 The USS Artemis appears out of the blue, the ship long thought lost. As an away team beams over to the ship, the ghosts of the past are far from dead, and the crew engages in a life-or-death struggle that will change them all forever...

Season 4 - 2368[]

Episode Name Stardate Synopsis
4.1 "Landslide"
4.2 "Underground"
4.4 "Across the Universe"
4.5 "Possession"
4.6 "Just Another Apocalypse"

Season 5 - 2369[]

Episode Name Stardate Synopsis

Season 6 - 2370/2371[]

Episode Name Stardate Synopsis
6.1 "Tomorrow"
6.2 "Israel's Son"
6.3 "Findaway"
6.4 "Pure Massacre"

Season 7 - 2371/2372[]

Episode Name Stardate Synopsis
7.1 "Home"
7.2 "The Road Not Taken"
7.3 "Things Change"
7.4 "Paradox"
7.5 "Heritage"
7.6 "Ramifications"
7.7 "Standing Still"
7.8 "Directive" The USS Prospect-A diverts from its original mission to explore a distress call from the experimental starship USS Rutherford, listing and apparently crewless in the Gamma Quadrant. What results is a battle to regain the folded space drive prototype and to survive in an intense cat-and-mouse battle against the Jem'Hadar...

Special Episodes[]

"Gravity" - 2379[]

Main article: "Gravity" Part of Star Trek: Pendragon's Other Knights anthology.

The Federation Civil War is over. Project Restoration is completed and the new Deep Space 9 is on-line. But Captain Daniel Radke needs to gather his friends and the commanding officer of the USS Cantabrian together to face a growing threat...

This story takes place in the Pendragon universe.


  • The series originally was a "joke" and entitled, "Star Trek: The Way Jen Wants It To Be", as the author's friend Jen had a huge crush on Wil Wheaton. (Yes, we're still asking ourselves why too!) The series evolved to take the characters off the Enterprise-D and onto their own ship and into their own storylines; thus, Star Trek: The Prospect Chronicles was born.
  • This series spawned Star Trek: Shabonee and Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions.
  • The original stories and artwork are not in the author's possession at present. The series was written between 1988 and 1996. It is now being re-written.

External link[]
