Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Star Trek: The Romulan Wars is a fan film series that starts where Star Trek: Enterprise left off and tells the story of the Earth-Romulan War. The show has shown adventures of USS Yorktown and USS Discovery. The series concluded with its final episode "Tunnel at the End of the Light" on Jul 28, 2017.

This is a distinct fan film series, and timeline, from that of The Romulan War: A Star Trek Fan Production.

Main Characters/Command Crews[]

Season One: USS Yorktown

Season Two: USS Discovery



Season 1

No. Episode Title
100 Unto the Breach
101 The Outpost
102 Wing of Icarus
103 To Try the Men
104 The Wounded

Season 2

No. Episode Title
201 A Day On the Line
202 The Needs of the Many
203 Arius
204 The Atles
205 Tunnel at the End of the Light

External Links[]
