Star Trek Expanded Universe


Shortcuts are an easy means of accessing (or linking) to pages within this wiki. They will often be a few (3 to 5) characters in length, and will redirect a user to an article.

Shortcuts are used only for often-referenced articles, or namespaces starting with "Star Trek Expanded Universe:".

List of shortcuts

Pages with single shortcuts

  • Project shortcuts
    • QOD - Quotes of the day

Pages with multiple shortcuts

  • In the Star Trek Expanded Universe namespace:
    • STEU:Shortcut: this page
    • STEU:SHORT: this page

Creating a new shortcut

To create your own shortcut:
  1. Type in the shortcut name in the search box. Hit "go".
  2. On the search page, click the hyperlink: "create this page".
  3. As all you are doing is creating a redirect page, type the following on the edit page:
    • #REDIRECT [[article name]]
  4. In the summary box, input a reason for what you're doing.
    • Example: created shortcut to article name
  5. Preview the changes. Make sure the hyperlink is blue, not red. Remember that red links are "broken", because the article doesn't exist yet under that title.
  6. If everything is okay, save the page.

Then, on the page the shortcut points to:

  1. Click "edit the page". On the first line of the article, simply insert:
  2. After inserting that line, you should press the enter key, thus creating a carriage return. This makes the editing text much easier to read.
  3. Preview the page. Make any corrections necessary.
  4. Once everything looks good, click "this is a minor edit".
  5. Enter in a reason to the summary field, i.e.:
    • added shortcut box
  6. Save the page.

Once done, add the listing to the above list of shortcuts on this page. And that should be all there is to it.
