Star Trek Expanded Universe

SB Legacy (SB801) is a forum RPG based on the K-class Federation starbase, under the command of Captain Nicholas Teron. The game is set in the year 2410 (2409 STO timeline) where turmoil had spread across the galaxy, skirmishes with the Romulans, Klingons, Borg, Undine, Devidians, and even internally happening daily.

Legacy will be a much needed resource for the Federation during this time of war, providing a defense and supply outpost in a key sector of space.

Command staff[]

  • Commanding Officer: Captain Nicholas Teron
  • Executive Officer: Lieutenant Commander Ian Grant
  • Strategic Operations: Lieutenant Commander William Sullivan
  • Chief of Security: Lieutenant James Cho
  • Chief Medical Officer: Lieutenant Xavier Renolt
  • Chief of Security: Lieutenant James Cho
  • Chief Engineering Officer: Lieutenant Commander Landon Hunter
  • Fighter Squadron Leader: Lieutenant (jg) Zoteke Madwan
  • Visiting Admiral: Commodore Berel Joon

External links[]
