Star Trek Expanded Universe

"...Where No One Has Gone Before"


Starfleet Infinity is a full immersion 3D virtual roleplay game played in Open Simulator format on 3RD Rock Grid. Mission outlines are designed to allow improvised plot and character development. Missions are played on starships, alien vessels, space stations and alien planets.

To play you need to sign up for an avatar on 3RD Rock Grid. This sign up is quick and free, and you can modify your avatar however you like or change it for an off-the-shelf avatar appearance. Download a Firestorm Viewer for free (choose the Opensim version). Then enlist in Starfleet using the "Enlist" link on the Starfleet Infinity website

You will be contacted by email to set up a meeting time with a senior player who can allocate your resources, help you optimise your avatar and orientate on the base. You will undergo a basic tutorial that brings you up to speed on how to roleplay in this environment, supplying an overview of the canonical resources that underpin the Starfleet Infinity location and timeline.

Branch and Rank[]

You can select a branch of Starfleet to specialise in an active "in-play" role on a starshi, or you can choose a civilian role on the Colony or Space Station. Branches are: Operations, Science, Medicine, Security, Engineering, Intelligence. Within this structure rank is assigned following normal Star Trek designations. Civilian designations are open and include the arts, xenolinguistics, astrobiology, astro-archeology, etc. Our civilian colony hosts dances and events, guest speakers, writers' groups, art exhibitions and regular free-form discussions.


Missions are conducted at a set time each week. As more players join we add more ships and their crews decide among themselves the most convenient days/times to conduct their missions. Mission logs are kept by crew members under the "Logs" link above to record each mission. These logs are in the style of Captain's and Crew's logs, recording both details of the missions and personal impressions. Missions require that crew are familiar with the desk controls associated with their seat on the bridge, and with the in-play expectations of that position. Learning modules and class bookings are also provided to provide basic, intermediate and advanced Branch knowledge. We encourage all players to learn as much as possible about positional play.


Starfleet Officers are expected to comply with the SI Code of Conduct and to comport themselves in a manner that reflects the values of Starfleet Infinity. These values boil down to Fairness, Kindness and Respect. Starfleet Infinity operates within a larger virtual environment where we contact and overlap with a wider virtual community. People who engage in virtual reality as avatars come from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, age groups, gender identifications and cultures. Our ethos is to respect this diversity. Abuse, griefing and trolling will not be tolerated in any form. Refer to our User Manual for more details.

Our Home[]

Discover all about our home in the Ircassian System

The Fleet[]

You can view all ships and facilities active within the fleet here


You can find all our playing characters and NPC's here

External Links[]
