Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

STARFLEET logo banner

STARFLEET: The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc., also known as STARFLEET International or just plain STARFLEET, is an association for the fans of the Star Trek television and film series. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, STARFLEET is the world's largest science fiction fan club, currently numbering 5,480 members in 218 separate chapters around the globe, according to the most recent count.

STARFLEET is incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation under the laws of the State of North Carolina, the United States of America, and has been granted 501(c)(7) status by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. The organization derives its organizational structure from the fictional Starfleet organization depicted in Star Trek, and within the organization the name 'STARFLEET' is used exclusively to denote the fan movement, while 'Starfleet' refers to the fictional entity.

STARFLEET places emphasis on community service, and encourages its chapters to take part in charitable fundraising activities and other public services.

Trek 50th logo

Star Trek 50th Anniversary logo, 2016

The organization has members worldwide and splits the world into 20 regions, each with a coordinator who supervises activities in his or her region and sits on the Admiralty Board, which acts as the corporate board of directors for the association. If members, usually living in geographical proximity, choose to form a group among themselves, they become a chapter of STARFLEET, taking the fictional form of a starship, space station or other vessel along the lines of those in Star Trek. Each member is given a fictional rank to show time in membership and contribution to fan activities.

STARFLEET organizes a STARFLEET Academy, where STARFLEET members can take exams related to Star Trek trivia and general knowledge, amongst other themes. It also has a sub-group, named the STARFLEET Marine Corps, made up of members who prefer to roleplay as military, rather than naval, personnel.

Among other publications, STARFLEET produces a bi-monthly publication called the Communiqué, which all members receive. STARFLEET has also published fan fiction in the anthology Stellar Visions, of which five volumes were published.

Andromeda Station[]


Andromeda Station (SFR-206) mission patch.

Andromeda Station was a chapter of Starfleet International, based in Tampa, Florida founded in November 2003

See also[]

USS Andromeda (NCC-75009)

External links and references[]

  • Commissioning of Andromeda Station - 27 Jan. 2007 
  • STARFLEET Communiqué 154 (Aug./Sept. 2009)

Cascade Station[]

Cascade Station was a Starfleet International chapter, founded in February 1994. It was based in Redding, California. (Communiqué 85}


  • Cascade Station (NCC-SS003) 
  • STARFLEET Communiqué 85 (Feb./March 1998)

Privateer Illustrious[]

The Privateer Illustrious was a Starfleet chapter, based in Alameda, California, ca. 1988. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 4)

External link[]

Shadowstar Station[]


Shadowstar Station logo

Shadowstar Station was a Starfleet International correspondence chapter for a very short time, from 1995 (where it was a chapter-in-training) to the summer of 1997.


  • STARFLEET Communiqué 76 (Aug./Sept. 1996)
  • STARFLEET Communiqué 82 (Aug./Sept. 1997)

See also[]

Space Station Bennu[]

Bennu Station has been a Starfleet International correspondence chapter based in Gatlinburg, Tennessee since 04 January 1994. (STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011)

It began as the shuttlecraft (i.e., chapter-in-training) Le Conte and launched as the USS LeConte in early 1994. The original commanding officer was Ron Fell and the chapter prospered, doing much for charity in the Sevier County, Tennessee area. The LeConte began the tradition of Regional Summits in Region One by hosting the first ever in Gatlinburg, Tennessee in 1995. The event eventually moved to the Pigeon Forge, Tennessee area and was a firm annual event until around 2012. This event was attended by 150 to 200 members of the Fleet from many Regions. One of the happy consequences of the Regional Summits was the ability to send several local students to Space Camp (United States) thanks to monetary donations by the members of Starfleet International who attended the event as well as by various fundraising events held by the chapter throughout the year.


Space Station Bennu (SFR-119) mission patch

The chapter's name was changed after an internal dispute that resulted in Captain Fell's leaving the area and then Ben Redding being voted in as the new commanding officer of the newly-named Bennu Station. Bennu Station has contributed to food drives for the local food bank and animal shelter, participated in movie premieres, marches in Christmas and July 4th parades with the (now defunct) shuttle model. The Bennu members have also acted as judges for County Schools Science Fairs on numerous occasions. For several years, the members have met twice a week to collect the day-old baked goods from a local supermarket to take them to the Children's Home in Sevierville, Tennessee.

External links[]

Space Station Chattahoochee[]

Chattahoochee Station was a chapter of Starfleet International, based in Atlanta, Georgia. (Communiqué 91, 112) The first chapter president was Kathryn Webster. It was founded in January 1999 from the chapters USS MacLeod and Republic. (Communiqué 91) The chapter later became an independent organization and changed its name to Starfleet Atlanta.

External link[]

Space Station Lewis B. Puller[]

Station Lewis B. Puller was a Starfleet International correspondence chapter, based in Summerville, South Carolina, beginning in 1997. (STARFLEET Communiqué 80, 85)


  • STARFLEET Communiqué 80 (April/May 1997)
  • STARFLEET Communiqué 85 (Feb./March 1998)

Space Station William D. Leahy[]

Station William D. Leahy was a Starfleet International correspondence chapter based in North Carolina. (Communiqué 137, 138)


  • STARFLEET Communiqué 137 (Oct./Nov. 2006)
  • STARFLEET Communiqué 138 (Dec. 2006/Jan. 2007)

USS Achernar[]

Achernar was a Starfleet International chapter ca. 1985. (Starfleet International: Starfleet Communiqué, May 1985) The chapter president was Pamela DuPuy (09 January 1958-05 March 2008).

USS Adamant[]


USS Adamant mission patch

The Adamant has been a Valley Forge/Montgomery County, Pennsylvania-based chapter of Starfleet International from the mid-1990s to the present day (2021).

External link[]

USS Alam'ak[]

Alam'ak was a Starfleet International chapter, based in the American Midwest. (Starfleet International: Vessel Registry, 0801.07 revision)


The Region 6 chapters Alam'ak (founded 1992), Behr'ak (founded 1989), and Czar'ak (founded 1984) were named after three of the four stars that make up Gamma Andromedae. Only Czar'ak remains extant as of 2021.

USS Alaric[]

Alaric is the name of a Starfleet International chapter based in Asheville, North Carolina. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 1) It was founded 01 October 1982. (STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011) The longtime chapter president is Richard Heim.

External links[]

USS Alpha Centauri[]

Alpha Centauri was a chapter of Starfleet International based in the Temple Hills, Maryland area. (Starfleet International: Vessel Registry, 0801.07 revision) The longtime chapter president was Shirley Weaver. (Communiqué 58, 70) It disbanded around 2010.

A later chapter of Starfleet International -- the USS Banneker, based in Glen Burnie, Maryland -- would use the same registry, NCC-71812.


  • STARFLEET Communiqué 58 (Aug./Sept. 1993)
  • STARFLEET Communiqué 70 (Aug./Sept. 1995)

USS Altair[]

Altair was a Starfleet International chapter, based in Australia from 1991 to 1994. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 11, Region 11 STARFLEET History)

In 1992, her chapter president was Raymond Raspa. (Communiqué 50 [April/May 1992])

USS Antonio Maria Valsalva[]

Antonio Maria Valsalva was a correspondence chapter of Starfleet International for many years, from the 1980s to at least the mid-2000s.


The chapter was named for Antonio Maria Valsalva (1666-1723), an Italian anatomist.

USS Anasazi[]

Anasazi is a chapter of Starfleet International, based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was founded 25 August 2001. (STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011)

The longtime chapter president is John Roberts.

External link[]

USS Antares[]


USS Antares (NCC-75030) mission patch.

Antares was a Starfleet International chapter in 1985. (Starfleet International: Starfleet Communiqué, May 1985)

A current (2021) chapter USS Antares, using the fictional metaphor of a Sovereign-class starship, is based in Kennewick, Washington and was founded 15 February 2008. (STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011) The chapter president is Laurie McAndrew.

USS Anubis[]

There have been at least two Starfleet International chapters named Anubis. One was extant in the 1980s. The chapter president was Katherine Osburn. (Communiqué 19)

Another Anubis is a New England-based chapter, based in Dover, New Hampshire. It was founded 29 April 2006. In 2011, the chapter president was Scott Stone.

External link[]

USS Appomattox[]


USS Appomattox mission patch

Appomattox is a Virginia-based chapter of Starfleet International.

Space Station Bennu was the "mothership" (sponsor) for the "shuttle" (chapter-in-training) Grey Ghost, which was launched 7 October 2000. As a full-fledged chapter, USS Appomattox was commissioned on 08 September 2001. Appomattox is a meeting chapter that has games and does raise money for charity. The area of Virginia that members have come from covers Appomattox County, Virginia; Lynchburg, Virginia; Campbell County, Virginia; and Bedford County, Virginia.

External links[]

USS Archer[]

Archer was a chapter of Starfleet International in the Middle Atlantic States.

USS Ari[]

A chapter of Starfleet International called the USS Ari was based in the Buffalo, New York area in the 1990s. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 7, Communiqué 85 [February/March 1998])

USS Aries[]

Aries 1

USS Aries mission patch

The USS Aries is a current (2021) chapter of Starfleet International, founded 21 December 1999. (STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011)

A previous iteration of the chapter -- also based in Johnson City, Tennessee -- was in existence from 1993 to 1997.

External links and references[]

USS Arizona[]


USS Arizona (NCC-71839) mission patch.

Arizona is a Starfleet International chapter, currently (2021) based in Canton, Ohio. It was founded 03 April 1993. (STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011)

External links[]

USS Armageddon[]

Armageddon was the name of a Starfleet International chapter, founded prior to 2007. (Starfleet International: Vessel Registry, 0801.07 revision}

External link[]

  • USS Armageddon website 

USS Arthur C. Clarke[]

Arthur C. Clarke was a chapter of Starfleet International, based in southern New Jersey, beginning in early 1998. The chapter combined former members of the area chapters USS Briza and USS Transcendence. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 7)

As each of the respective chapter memberships of the Transcendence and Briza fell below viability (i.e., 10 members) in 1998, they combined to become the Clarke.

USS Ascension[]

There were two distinct Starfleet International chapters named Ascension, one in Brooklyn, New York under Dan Halloran that fizzled out about 1987, and another under J. David Abrahamson beginning about 1989 in Pennsylvania. The latter, whose last chapter president was Jim Pugliese, disbanded in the late 2010s.

External links[]

USS Asimov[]

There was a Starfleet International chapter in Yardley, Pennsylvania named Asimov whose registry was NCC-1647. At one point, the chapter's fictional metaphor changed from a 23rd century Constitution-class heavy cruiser to a 24th century vessel. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 7)


The chapter was named after the American science-fiction author and futurist Isaac Asimov (1920-1992).

External link[]

  • USS Asimov NCC-1647 

USS Athena[]

Athena was a Virginia-based chapter of Starfleet International. (Communiqué 87, 89)

External links and references[]

USS Atlantis[]

There have been several chapters named Atlantis, including one in 1985, based in Illinois, whose chapter president was Kate Gilmore. (Starfleet International: Starfleet Communiqué, May 1985)

A USS Atlantis, using the fictional metaphor of a Sovereign-class starship, was based in Wellington, New Zealand in 2011. The chapter was established 26 August 2008. The president, in 2011, was Carol Thompson. (STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011)

USS Black Hawk[]

The USS Black Hawk (NCC-75004-A) -- also known as the Black Hawk-A -- is a Star Trek fan club based in Rockford, Illinois. Formerly the USS Shiloh out of Henderson, Tennessee, the Black Hawk-A is a chapter of Starfleet International and was the flagship (i.e., Region Coordinator's chapter) of Region 12 from 2009-2015. Currently, the Black Hawk is the Flagship for the Chief of Communications, STARFLEET.

The members of the chapter successfully staged the 2014 International Conference at the Clock Tower Resort in Rockford. The Black Hawk-A is also the home of the 263rd Marine Strike Group, SFMC, also known as “The Hawk's Talons”. In 2015 the Black Hawk-A also celebrated their 20th anniversary since the establishment of the Shuttle Shiloh on February 28th of that year. The members of the USS Black Hawk-A will celebrate its 25th anniversary as a premier chapter of STARFLEET on March 23, 2021.


USS Black Hawk (NCC-75004-A) mission patch.

The group that would become the Black Hawk-A was created on 28 February 1995 in Henderson, Tennessee as the shuttle (i.e., chapter-in-training) Shiloh. The chapter was commissioned on 23 March 1996 at MidSouthCon 15 in Memphis, Tennessee as the USS Shiloh (NCC-74683). The chapter moved from their original city of charter of Henderson to Rockford, Illinois, on 15 August 1997. The Shiloh changed its name to Black Hawk in December 1999 and changed its class from Intrepid class to Sovereign class, necessitating a change in their NCC number in January 2001.

To celebrate their 20th anniversary in 2015 an "A" was added to the registry.

The longtime chapter president of the Black Hawk-A is Jeffery Higdon.

External link[]

USS Blackheart[]

Blackheart was the name of two distinct Starfleet International chapters in the Philadelphia area, one extant in the 1990s, the other beginning ca. 2007.

External link[]

  • USS Blackheart website 

USS Blue Sun[]

Blue Sun was a Starfleet International chapter, based in Killen, Alabama and founded 27 January 2007.

USS Bondar[]

Bondar was a Starfleet International chapter based in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 10) The chapter decommissioned in February 2008.


The chapter was named after Dr. Roberta Bondar (b. 1945), a Canadian neurologist and astronaut.

USS Bright Star[]

Bright Star was a chapter of Starfleet International in the 1990s and early 2000s. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 5; Starfleet International: Vessel Registry, 9803. revision}

It was later a member of United Federation of Planets Internationalé.

USS Britannic[]

Britannic is the name of a Starfleet International chapter based in Lake Grove, New York. (Starfleet International: Vessel Registry, 0801.07 revision)

At some point, the chapter changed its fictional metaphor from a Galaxy-class explorer to an Andromeda-class ship.

External link[]

USS Callisto[]

USS Callisto (NX-80109) was a correspondence chapter of Starfleet International based in Wichita, Kansas and launched 07 June 2011. Its first chapter president was Robert Towne. Callisto was deployed to the Starfleet Twelfth Fleet for its shakedown. The officers of that chapter would later change their fictional metaphor to that of the USS Peace, an Olympic-class hospital ship.

Another Callisto was based in Rhode Island. It was launched 09 February 2012. President during its "shakedown cruise" was Mariann Gutierrez. (STARFLEET International Command Status Report, January 2012)

In the fictional continuity of the chapter, Callisto's launch was in 2389 and its post-shakedown commanding officer was Robert Beaulieu. This Callisto was deployed to the Starfleet Fifteenth Fleet.

External links[]

Outpost Canopus 3[]

Outpost Canopus 3 was one of the earliest chapters of Starfleet International, founded in Ohio in May 1975.

External link[]

  • STARFLEET Region One Membership Handbook  PDF

USS Challenger-D[]


USS Challenger mission patch

Challenger has been a chapter of Starfleet International based in the Toms River, New Jersey area since 1988. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region7) Its longtime president is Robert Vosseller, Jr.


The chapter was named after the American space shuttle Challenger that disintegrated 73 seconds into its tenth mission, STS-51-L, on 28 January 1986. This resulted in the deaths of all seven crew members including a civilian school teacher, Christa McAuliffe.

External link[]

USS Chicago[]


USS Chicago mission patch.

Chicago was a Starfleet International chapter, based in Steger, Illinois and founded 28 January 2007. (STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011) The chapter was originally founded as a correspondence chapter, but eventually transitioned to a meeting chapter and held its monthly meetings at The Zone Comics in Homewood, Illinois.

In 2007, USS Chicago was the Region’s Shakedown Chapter of The Year, accepted by chapter president Jay Hurd on behalf of the chapter at the 2007 Region 12 Summit in Champaign/Urbana, Illinois.

The Chicago was decommissioned in 2012.

USS Christa McAuliffe[]

Christa McAuliffe was a Massachusetts-based chapter in Starfleet International in the 1980s and 1990s.

A later chapter, simply called the McAuliffe, was based in New York City.


The ship was the namesake of American civilian astronaut Christa McAullife, who died in the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986.

External link[]

USS Constellation II[]

One of the earliest chapters named Constellation in Starfleet International was founded in 1975. It was based in Memphis, Tennessee and the president was Mike Pettijohn. (A History of Starfleet: The International Star Trek Fan Association; A History of STARFLEET)

It is not yet known if this Constellation had a fictional metaphor of being set aboard Matthew Decker's ship before the encounter with the doomsday machine or was supposed to be the Constellation II. (A History of STARFLEET)

Constellation II was a chapter of Starfleet International based in Paducah, Kentucky. In 1992, its chapter president was Deborah Spinks. (Communiqué 50 [April/May 1992])

External links[]

USS Constitution[]

There were at least five chapters of Starfleet International named Constitution: one of the earliest chapters of Starfleet, based in Coppell, Texas in 1975, whose president was Judy Spencer (A History of STARFLEET); one in New Jersey in the 1980s, whose president was Jason Genser (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 7); and one in Van Nuys, California, whose president was Jack Fields (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 4; Communiqué 50 [April/May 1992]). A fourth Constitution was located in Metropolis, Illinois.

The New Jersey-based Constitution had a membership of 265 in 1985. (Starfleet International: Starfleet Communiqué, May 1985)


USS Constitution mission patch

The current (2021) chapter USS Constitution (NCC-75020), founded 05 December 2010 -- using the fictional metaphor of a Sovereign-class starship -- is based in Boston, Massachusetts. (STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011) Its longtime chapter president is Thomas Guertin.

External links[]

USS Corsair[]

Corsair is a chapter of Starfleet International based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

External link[]

USS Corvus[]

Corvus was a Starfleet International chapter based in Illinois in 1985. (Starfleet International: Starfleet Communiqué, May 1985; Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 12)

USS Czar'ak[]


USS Czar'ak (NCC-1798-A) mission patch.

Czar'ak is a Starfleet International chapter, currently (2021) based in Shakopee, Minnesota and founded in 1984. It has modified its fictional metaphor at least once. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 6)

Czar'ak became the "mothership" (sponsoring chapter) of the USS Behr'ak in 1989 and Alam'ak in 1992.


The Region 6 chapters Alam'ak (founded 1992), Behr'ak (founded 1989), and Czar'ak (founded 1984) were named after three of the four stars that make up Gamma Andromedae, which is 350 light-years from Earth. Only Czar'ak remains extant as of 2021.

External links[]

USS Daniel Soule[]

Daniel Soule was the name of a Starfleet International chapter based in Bonney Lake, Washington and founded on 12 February 2007. (STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011)

There had also been another chapter with the same name and registry, founded 16 January 1993. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 5, Communiqué 55)

External links and references[]

USS Darwin[]


USS Darwin mission insignia

Darwin is a chapter of Starfleet International originally based in Brockton, Massachusetts, and founded 05 September 2000. Its current (2021) city of charter is Pawtucket, Rhode Island. The chapter president is Dave Forrand.

External links[]

USS Dawn Treader[]

Dawn Treader was the name of a Starfleet International chapter, based in Staten Island, New York, in the early 1990s.

External link[]

USS Defiance[]

Defiance was a Starfleet International chapter based in California. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 4; Starfleet International: Starfleet Communiqué, May 1985)

USS Dominion[]

Dominion was a Starfleet International chapter based in Dover, Pennsylvania in the early 2020s.

External link[]

USS Dragon's Cub[]

Dragon's Cub was the name of a Starfleet International chapter. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 4)

External link[]

  • USS Dragon's Cub: NCC-81003 

USS Eagle[]


USS Eagle mission insignia

As of 2021, the California-based Starfleet International chapter, USS Eagle has been in the parent organization the longest. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 4)

In 1982, the chapter president was Jack Fields, later STARFLEET Chief of Communications. (Communiqué 2:3 [3Q 1982]) A later president was Eugene Craig. (Starfleet International: Starfleet Communiqué, May 1985)

USS Europe[]

Europe was a Starfleet International chapter based in Langenau/Wuertt, Germany in the 1990s. The chapter presidents included Beate Gellings (Communiqué 68, 70) and Monica Kirchenmaier.


  • STARFLEET Communiqué 68 (April/May 1995)
  • STARFLEET Communiqué 70 (Aug./Sept. 1995)

USS Flying Fox[]

The USS Flying Fox was a chapter of Starfleet International, based in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, beginning in 2001. As of October 2008 the members of the Flying Fox requested and were granted decommissioned status from Starfleet International. The Flying Fox "shuttled" off of a New Jersey chapter of Starfleet the USS Justice. As of October 2008 the Flying Fox transitioned into the USS Sanctuary (NFC-2130). The Sanctuary is a member chapter of the International Federation of Trekkers representing southeastern, PA, USA in GEO 6.

It supported the following charities: St. Jude's Hospital for Children, and the Relay for Life to benefit the American Cancer Society, as well as local animal shelters.


  • STARFLEET Communiqué 112 (Aug./Sept. 2002)
  • STARFLEET Communiqué 137 (Oct./Nov. 2006)

USS Fox River[]

Fox River was the name of a Starfleet International chapter. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 6)

External links[]

USS Genesis[]

The USS Genesis is a Starfleet International chapter based in Adelaide, Australia. It was founded 31 December 2007

External links[]

USS Grand Petoskey[]

Grand Petoskey is a Starfleet International chapter based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Its chapter president is Charles Carden.

External link[]

USS Guardian[]


USS Guardian mission patch.

Guardian was a Starfleet International chapter based in Cape Canaveral, Florida. The chapter was founded 01 September 1989. (STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011)

USS Haise[]

Haise is a chapter of Starfleet International based in Pearl, Mississippi and founded 27 April 1995 in Jackson, Mississippi. In 2011, the chapter president was Lucy Herron. {STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011) The current chapter president is Ryan Case.


The chapter is named after the former test pilot and astronaut Fred Haise (b. 1933), Lunar Module pilot on Apollo 13.

External links[]

USS Hathaway[]

A chapter of Starfleet International called the USS Hathaway (based on the ship in TNG: "Peak Performance") was based in Hershey, Pennsylvania during the 1990s. Its chapter president was Michael Hess.

USS Helen Pawlowski[]

Troubadour Station was a Starfleet International chapter based in St. Louis, Missouri, founded 16 February 1996. Its fictional metaphor later changed in 2012 to that of a Soyuz-class tactical frigate, USS Helen Pawlowski, in honor of their late chapter president, Helen Pawlowski. The chapter is currently based in Warwick, Rhode Island.

External link[]

USS Henri Dunant[]

Henri Dunant was a chapter of Starfleet International for American military personnel ca. 1996. Its chapter presidents were Ann Dysinger, Ken Dysinger, Dave Pitts, and finally, Jim Douglas. Adam Self served as Regional Coordinator.


The chapter was named after Jean Henri Dunant (1828-1910), a Swiss businessman who was a founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross and a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Some of Dunant's ideas were the basis for the 1864 Geneva Convention.

External link[]

  • The Mighty Mednoughts 

USS Highlander[]

Highlander was a Starfleet International chapter based in the Westminster, Maryland area. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 7)

USS Hood[]


Insignia of the second USS Hood chapter

There have been at least two Starfleet International chapters using the fictional metaphor of a Constitution-class USS Hood. One was extant in the 1980s. (Starfleet Supplemental Communiqué 1:9)

The second chapter was founded 08 September 1990. In 1995, the Hood's city of charter was Chelmsford, Massachusetts. (Communiqué 68) By 1998, its city of charter had become Nashua, New Hampshire. (Communiqué 85)

In 2011, its chapter president was Robert W. Chin. (STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011)

Its current (2021) president is Jerome Conner.

USS Horizon-A[]

Horizon-A was a chapter of Starfleet International based in the Midwest ca. 1990. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 12)


IDIC was a chapter of Starfleet International, based in Washington, D.C.. It was "decommissioned" in April 2003. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 7)

USS Imperium[]


USS Imperium mission patch.

Imperium is the name of a Starfleet International chapter based in North Dakota. They have been the Flagship of Region Six for a significant period of time due to the Region Coordinator being one of Imperium's members.

External link[]

USS Intrepid II[]

Intrepid II was the name of a Starfleet International chapter based in Pawtucket, Rhode Island in 1982, with then-Fleet Captain David E. Ryan as chapter president. (Communiqué 2:3 [3Q 1982]) By 1985, another chapter with the same name and registry was in Iowa, commanded by Rick Hunter and then Larry Rooda. (Starfleet International: Starfleet Communiqué, May 1985)

Years later, Intrepid II was the name of a chapter based in New Jersey from 1988 to 1993. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 7) Jeffrey Hunt was its CO.

USS Jamestown[]

Jamestown has been a chapter of Starfleet International, based in the Hampton Roads, Virginia area, since September, 1982, though the fictional metaphor has changed several times. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 1; Starfleet International: Vessel Registry, 0801.07 revision)

Jamestown began under the command of then-Captain Stephen C. Thomas in September 1982. She has had at least three commanding officers: Vice Admiral Stephen Thomas, Vice Admiral Richard Hewitt and Rear Admiral John Winsley. Sadly, the Jamestown, the oldest chapter in Virginia, was decommissioned on September 24, 2016.

USS John B. McKay[]

The John B. McKay was a Starfleet International chapter, originally based at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (aka Virginia Tech), from 1986 to 1995.

In 1992, its chapter president was Cathy Williams. (Communiqué 50 [April/May 1992])

USS Jupiter[]

The Jupiter was a Starfleet International chapter, based in Missouri. (Starfleet International: Starfleet Communiqué, May 1985)

USS K'Ehleyr[]

K'Ehleyr Station was a Starfleet International meeting chapter based in Las Vegas. Nevada. It was decommissioned in 2007 before returning to active duty in 18 March 2011. Its chapter president was Joshua Andrews. (STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011)

K'Ehleyr Station decommissioned again in August of 2011. At that time, the members of K'Ehleyr Station changed the name of their chapter to USS Sandstorm (NCC-72704).

External links[]

USS K'hotan[]

K'hotan was a Starfleet International chapter, based in Michigan in 1985. The chapter president was Edward A. Fisher. (Starfleet International: Starfleet Communiqué, May 1985; Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 12)

USS Kasimar[]

Kasimar was a Maine-based chapter of Starfleet International for many years, beginning in the 1980s. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Regions 7 and 15); (Starfleet International: Vessel Registry, 0801.07 revision)

USS Konkordium[]

The USS Konkordium chapter of Starfleet International, based in Connecticut, existed in the late 1980s and early 1990s. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 7 and 15) The chapter was decommissioned in the summer of 1997.

External link[]

  • STARFLEET Communiqué 82 (Aug./Sept. 1997)

USS Khai Tam[]

Khai Tam was the name of a Starfleet International chapter. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 2)

External link[]

  • 2nd Brigade SFMC Alert Roster - 28 Aug. 2007 

USS Kitty Hawk[]


USS Kitty Hawk mission patch.

Kitty Hawk was the name of a Starfleet International chapter based in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 1) The fictional ship and the chapter were named after the site from which the Wright brothers made the first successful sustained powered flight in 1903.

In 1992, its chapter president was J.R. Fisher. (Communiqué 50 [April/May 1992])

External link[]

USS Lagrange[]


USS Lagrange anniversary logo

Lagrange is the name of an Ohio-based Starfleet International chapter that was founded in 1982. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 1)

USS Lexington/ISS Lexington[]

An early chapter of Starfleet International named USS Lexington was based in Malakoff, Texas in the mid-1970s. (A History of Starfleet: The International Star Trek Fan Association)

By 1978, another Lexington (formerly known as the Outpost Lanceator) was established in Virginia. (A History of Starfleet: The International Star Trek Fan Association)

Another USS Lexington was a chapter of Starfleet International based in New Jersey in the 1990s. Its chapter presidents included Michael Smith and Mark Hanford. The chapter changed its fictional metaphor early on from Federation Starfleet to one of the Mirror universes. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 7; Starfleet International: Vessel Registry, 9803. revision; Starfleet International: Vessel Registry, 0801.07 revision)

External links[]

USS Maat[]


USS Maat mission patch.

Maat has been a Starfleet International chapter for many years. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 1)

In 1992, its chapter president was Blair Willcox. (Communiqué 50 [April/May 1992]) Other presidents were Tammy Willcox and Thomas Monaghan.

External link[]

USS Maelstrom[]

Maelstrom was the name of a Starfleet International chapter based in North Carolina, in existence since at least 1998. Its fictional metaphor was changed from a Defiant-class starship to a Constitution-class starship sometime between 2007 and early 2008. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 1; Starfleet International: Vessel Registry, 0801.07 revision)

External link[]

  • USS Maelstrom website 

USS Magellan[]

Magellan is a chapter of Starfleet International.

One chapter named Magellan -- based in Sarasota, Florida in 1992 -- had Joseph Yost as its chapter president. (Communiqué 10 [April/May 1992])

USS Marathon[]


USS Marathon
(NX-3105) shakedown cruise patch.

The USS Marathon is a chapter of Starfleet International located in Plant City, Florida, which is part of STARFLEET'S Second Fleet.

External link[]

  • USS Marathon 

USS Mawson[]

The USS Mawson (NCC-74918) is a chapter of the International Federation of Trekkers, a fan organization is based on the iconic show created by Gene Roddenberry in the 1960s

The USS Mawson is a meeting and correspondence chapter within what is referred to as GEO 51 by IFT. The Mawson has crew from all over Australasia and other parts of the world and we welcome all new members.

Members of the USS Mawson participate in meetings, either in person or online and by postings on our Yahoo site, club events, taking exams at the Mawson Institute of Learning and Knowledge (MILK) and conventions.

The USS Mawson was first established in January 2006 by the current president, Stuart Blair, and officially launched as a Starship on 21st April 2007 by "Admiral William Ross" (actor Barry Jenner, DS9).

External link[]

  • Region 11 STARFLEET History 

USS Morning Star[]

Morning Star was a chapter of Starfleet International, based in Lawton, Oklahoma as of 2008.

USS N'dele[]

N'dele was a Starfleet International chapter based in Australia from 1982 to 1997. Nothing is known of the chapter's existence after that year. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 11)

Its chapter presidents were Diane Marchant (1982-1984) and Leanne Jackson (1984-1997).


The ship was probably named after N'Délé, a municipality in the Central African Republic. A citadel was constructed nearby in the 19th century.

External link[]

USS Northstar[]

Northstar was a Brooklyn, New York-based chapter of Starfleet International. In the 1990s, the chapter was based at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Services Center in Manhattan. Its chapter presidents included Michael Figueroa, Marc Handler, and Richard Logue. (STARFLEET Communiqué 83, 85, 89, 91, 98, 99, 121, 124, 137)

USS Odin[]

The USS Odin (NCC-1875) was a Starfleet International chapter in the Middle Atlantic States until about 1990. Its chapter president, Mark Haynes, would go on to be a writer, editor and publisher of some original series Battlestar Galactica comic books in the 1990s.

Another Odin was a Starfleet International correspondence chapter beginning 12 January 2009. Its chapter president was Antonio "Tony" Lopes and was based out of Jeffersonville, Indiana. The chapter was home to the 198th STARFLEET Marine Strike Group. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 7; STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011)

External link[]

USS Onizuka[]

Onizuka is a Chico, California-based chapter in Starfleet International. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 4) It was founded 21 February 1993. The longtime chapter president is Alvin Rupp.


The ship was named after Ellison Onizuka (1946-1986), one of the American astronauts who died in the Challenger disaster on 28 January 1986.

USS Osiris[]

Osiris has been a chapter of Starfleet International based in the New York City area. (Starfleet International: Vessel Registry, 0801.07 revision) It has existed since the 1990s and is still extant as of 2021.

External links[]

USS Paegan[]

Paegan was a Starfleet International chapter based in Lake Mary, Florida as of May 05, 2010 (STARFLEET database) and had been the oldest chapter in Region 2 (as of 2010).

The club was founded in 1982. It seems to have been disbanded around 2011.


  • STARFLEET "Meet the Fleet: USS Paegan", p. 18,Communiqué 58 (Aug./Sept. 1993)

USS Panther City[]

Panther City was a chapter of Starfleet International, based in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area, in the late 1990s and early 2000s. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 3)

USS Parallax[]

Screenshot 2024-12-26 154746

Logo of the USS Parallax

The USS Parallax (NCC-72399) is a Starfleet International chapter based in Brisbane, Australia. It was commissioned 10th of February 2018.

External links[]

USS Parallax home page

USS Pathfinder[]

The Pathfinder was a Starfleet International chapter, originally based in Roanoke, Virginia, from 1986 to 1995. Robin Pillow served as her first chapter president (Communiqué 50 [April/May 1992]), and Chris Atkins succeeded him in 1987. Janice Rhodes took the reins after Chris. Later, Robin Pillow returned to the center seat. The chapter decommissioned in 1995.

In 2003, the Tempest (another chapter started by Robin Pillow based in Lima, Ohio) was renamed Pathfinder. The Pathfinder remained active until 2008 when it decommissioned once more.

USS Peace[]

USS Peace was a chapter of Starfleet International, based on Wichita, Kansas, and launched on 16 April 2012. Peace was in Region 12, and her chapter president was Robert Towne.

External link[]

  • "USS Peace NX-55135 Launched" 

USS Pioneer-D[]

The USS Pioneer was a chapter of Starfleet International based in Denver, Colorado, founded 19 February 2001. (STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011)

External links[]

USS Protector[]

USS Protector (NCC-75023), whose fictional metaphor was a Sovereign-class cruiser, was launched on 19 May 1999, and based in Adelaide, South Australia It was formed from the shuttle (i.e., chapter-in-training) Woomera after the retirement of the USS N'dele (NCC-1758) in 1997.

The chapter president was Vanessa Taylor and the vice-president Sarah Craig. (Region 11 STARFLEET History). The chapter and members of the Protector are now retired from fandom.


Protector was named for the HMCS Protector that served out of South Australia with pride from 1884 to 1924, including service during the Boxer Rebellion and in World War I.

External link[]

  • Region 11 STARFLEET History 

USS Relentless[]

Relentless was the name of a Starfleet International chapter. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 2)

It was established as a shuttle (i.e., chapter-in-training) of the Khai Tam.

External link[]

  • 2nd Brigade SFMC Alert Roster - 28 Aug. 2007 

USS Riverside[]

Riverside was a Starfleet International chapter, based in Riverside, Iowa and formally assigned as a ship on 28 January 2007 and disbanded around 2010. They were mainly an online chapter but also met annually at the annual Trek Fest celebration held in Riverside, Iowa.

The fictional starship and chapter were named after the birthplace of James T. Kirk.

Members from the USS Saint George had decided to widen the scope and broaden the recruiting efforts and started their own ship in 2006. USS Saint George and USS Riverside was closely connected to each other. The starship started as a shuttle (i.e., chapter-in-training) of the USS Saint George. Riverside's first command crew consisted of Captain J. Schulte and XO Arps. The executive officer position changed hands several times.

After a split in ship dynamics, USS Vre'Kasht (NCC-33187) was started as rebel Vulcan detachment. The ship has been decommissioned by Starfleet and a new ship, USS Riverside (NCC-74309), is listed on the SFI website.

External links[]

USS Robert E. Lee[]

Robert E. Lee was a chapter of Starfleet International based in Swedesboro, New Jersey.

It was established as a shuttle (i.e., chapter-in-training) of the Storm. Robert E. Lee changed its fictional metaphor from that of a Defiant-class escort with a registry of NCC-74225 to that of an Avenger-class heavy frigate in January, 2012. [1]

The chapter was named after Robert E. Lee (1807–1870), the commanding general of the Confederate forces during the American Civil War; and the George Washington-class fleet ballistic missile submarine USS Robert E. Lee (SSBN-601) in service from 1958-83.

USS Ronald E. McNair[]


USS Ronald E. McNair mission patch.

Ronald E. McNair is a chapter of Starfleet International.


The ship was named after Ronald McNair (1950-1986), one of the American astronauts who died in the Challenger disaster on 28 January 1986.

External link[]

USS Saint George[]

USS Saint George was the name of a Starfleet International meeting chapter (later a correspondence chapter) founded in Box Elder, South Dakota. At some point, the chapter moved to Iowa.

This chapter was the mothership (i.e., support chapter) for the USS Riverside NCC-1660 (see above).

External link[]

USS Salayna[]

Salayna was an Australian chapter of Starfleet International from 1982 to 1985.

USS San Juan[]

San Juan was a chapter of Starfleet International based in Carolina, Puerto Rico, beginning on March of 2011. (Commissioning of USS San Juan NCC-1648 (R2))

USS Schweitzer[]

The USS Schweitzer was a chapter of Starfleet International based in Baltimore, Maryland.

USS Septarian[]


USS Septarian club logo, 2020

The USS Septarian is a chapter of Starfleet International based in Fountain, Michigan.

External link[]

USS Shadowstar[]


Shadowstar mission patch, 2285

The Starfleet International chapter USS Shadowstar was based in Hollywood, California. and its president was S. Konger-Thaos (Tracy Lee Birdine). (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 4)

USS Silver Moon[]

Silver Moon was a Starfleet International chapter, based in Henderson, Nevada and founded 7 January 2007. The Silver Moon has since been decommissioned.

The Silver Moon was a shuttle (i.e., chapter-in-training) of the ISS Pegasus, which was based in Las Vegas. (Communiqué 131 [October/November 2005])

USS Sinclair[]

Sinclair was a Starfleet International chapter, based in Detroit, Michigan. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 13) The chapter was founded 29 August 2010.

External links[]

USS Sirius[]

Sirius was a chapter in the Middle Atlantic States in Starfleet International during at least the late 1980s. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 7) One of its chapter presidents was Robert McDonough, Jr. (Communiqué 17)

A later chapter of Starfleet International founded c. 2015 and extant in 2021, is based in Horseheads, New York. Its chapter president is Marci Jansen.

External links and references[]

USS Sol[]

Sol was a Starfleet International chapter, based in Fairbanks, Alaska from the 1980s to the 2010s. (Starfleet International: Vessel Registry, 9803. revision; Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 10; Starfleet International: Vessel Registry, 0801.07 revision) The chapter was established on 03 August 1983.

In 1985, the chapter president was Trina Anderson. (Starfleet International: Starfleet Communiqué, May 1985) In 2011, her chapter president was Jennifer Ernst. (STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011) A later chapter president was Carol Thompson, who had previously been president of the chapter USS Atlantis.

USS Southern Cross[]

The Australia-based Starfleet International chapter USS Southern Cross was in existence from 1983 to 2004. In 1992, her chapter president was Jennifer Yates.

The New Zealand-based chapter USS Southern Cross was established in 2007. It is extant as of 2021. The longtime chapter president is Bruce O'Brien.

External links[]

USS Sovereign[]

The Philadelphia-based USS Sovereign (NCC-2505) was "launched" into service in Starfleet International's Region Seven in the summer of 1990. It began its service using the fictional metaphor of a Belknap-class strike cruiser. However, once it was learned that the sixth U.S.S. Enterprise would be a Sovereign-class ship, the chapter received permission from the STARFLEET Department of Technical Services to change its registry to NCC-75000.

External link[]

USS Star League[]

Star League is the name of a Starfleet International chapter based in the southeastern United States. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 1)

In 1992, its chapter president was Lucinda Krell. (Communiqué 50 [April/May 1992])

External link[]

USS Stormbringer[]

The chapter USS Stormbringer's original city of charter, in 1998, was Tucson, Arizona. She was formed of the crews of the Vindicator and Henri Dunant that had rotated stateside after overseas military deployment.

External link[]

  • USS Stormbringer website 

USS Tai Shan[]

USS Tai Shan was a chapter of Starfleet International, based in New York City, that existed from 1988 to 1993. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 7, Communiqué 54)

A shuttle (i.e., chapter-in-training) Tai Shan, based in New Boston, Texas, was briefly in existence around 1995, but it never achieved full chapter status. (Communiqué 69, 72) This Tai Shan's "mothership" (sponsoring chapter) was the USS Lancelot, which had been based in Arlington, Texas.


  • STARFLEET Communiqué 54 (Dec. 1992/Jan. 1993)
  • STARFLEET Communiqué 69 (June/July 1995)
  • STARFLEET Communiqué 72 (Dec. 1995/Jan. 1996)

USS Thagard[]

The USS Thagard chapter of Starfleet International, based in Philadelphia, existed from 1990 to early 2007. (Communiqué 73 [February/March 1996])

External link[]

  • Star Trek: Thagard: A History of the USS Thagard 

USS Thermopylae[]


USS Thermopylae mission patch.

Thermopylae is a Starfleet International chapter based in the Pacific Northwest United States. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 5) She was commissioned on 28 January 2006. The first chapter president was Cathey Fuller.

External link[]

USS Thunderheart[]

Thunderheart was a chapter-in-training of Starfleet International, based in East Brunswick, New Jersey in the early 1990s. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 7)

USS Tiger[]

The Tiger was a Starfleet International chapter, based in Hickory, North Carolina and founded 28 January 2007. Its first chapter president was Brad Danner.

USS Tikopai[]

Tikopai is a chapter of Starfleet International based in California. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 4)

USS Transcendence[]

Transcendence was a chapter of Starfleet International, based in Lindenwold, New Jersey in the 1990s. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 7) Her chapter president was Mary Collier-Corson.

USS Tulan[]

Tulan was a Starfleet International chapter, based in Tucson, Arizona in 1985. The chapter president was Tracy Murray. (Starfleet International: Starfleet Communiqué, May 1985)

USS Vindicator[]

Vindicator was a chapter of Starfleet International in the mid-1980s. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 12) Its fictional metaphor was that of a Constitution-class class ship, and it took its name from the Marvel superhero who also went by the codenames Weapon Alpha and Guardian.

A later Vindicator was in Starfleet International from 1992 to about 1995. The chapter later disbanded and some of its members became members of the Stormbringer. (USS Stormbringer - Gumby Central)

External links[]

  • The Mighty Mednoughts 
  • USS Stormbringer - Gumby Central 

USS Wildhorse[]


USS Wildhorse mission patch.

Wildhorse was a Starfleet International chapter, based in West Richland, Washington and founded 12 February 2007.

External link[]

USS Winter Solstice[]

Winter Solstice was a Starfleet International chapter based in Sunnyvale, California. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 4)

USS Yeager[]


USS Yeager mission patch.

Yeager is a chapter of Starfleet International that has been based in Bluefield, West Virginia since 1986. Its longtime chapter president is Jerry Conner.


The chapter was named after Chuck Yeager (1923-2020), an American test pilot who was the first person to break the speed of sound.

USS Yorktown[]

There were several SFI chapters named Yorktown.

A Starfleet International chapter named USS Yorktown existed in the 1980s. The fictional metaphor of that chapter was a Constitution-class ship, one of the original 12. The chapter president was Sharon Robison. (Communiqué 20)

In 1992, the chapter president of the Yorktown -- by then, based in Rock Hill, South Carolina -- was Marlon Ragsdale. (Communiqué 50 [April/May 1992]) By 1996, the chapter's city of charter was York, South Carolina. (Communiqué 73) By then, the chapter's fictional metaphor had changed to being the lead ship and prototype of a class of starships based in the 24th century.

A Yorktown-A was a Starfleet International chapter based in Catawba, South Carolina. Its chapter president was initially Marlon Ragsdale and then Vicky Adkins.

The current USS Yorktown, whose fictional metaphor is based on an Odyssey-class starship of the early 25th century, is based in Kingsport, Tennessee. It was founded in 2017.


The chapters were named after the Siege of Yorktown (1781), the last major battle of the American Revolutionary War.

External links[]

External links[]

  1. Starfleet International Command Status Report, January 2012