Star Trek Expanded Universe
Uss phoenix-x crew2386

Crew of the USS Phoenix-X in Starfleet uniform.

Starfleet uniforms were clothing that were issued to those who served with Federation Starfleet or Earth Starfleet, designed to be both functional as well as serving as identification for the user's department and rank. The Starfleet uniform has changed frequently in the Federation's history. Uniforms can be replicated, or ordered from independent sources. (DS9: "Heart of Stone")

Command division[]

The command division is the division of Starfleet that serves as the command structure on board starships and starbases. The most senior members of the senior staff are usually, but not always, members of the command division.

22nd century 2230s
Yellow (ENT) Blue (2230s)
2230s-2250s 2250s 2260s-2270s[1] Early 2270s[2] Late 2270s-2350s
Gold (2240s-2250s) Yellow (2250s) Yellow (TOS) White Shoulder (TMP) White Shoulder (TWOK)
Green (TOS) Yellow Shoulder (TMP)
2350s-2360s 2360s-2370s
service uniform
duty uniform
Red (Early TNG) Red (TNG) Red (VOY) Red (DS9)
Early 2380s Mid 2380s 2390s
File:Red (early 2380s).png File:Red (mid 2380s).png File:Red (2390s).png

Alternate realities[]

2250s 2380s-2400s 2390s 2410
Yellow (STXI) Red (alternate 2380s) Red (alternate 2390s) Red (2410s) Grey
29th century
Blue (2800s)

Fan continuities[]

Star Trek: Remington[]

Red (DS9)
Lavender (DS9)
Black (DS9)

Operations division[]

The operations division of Starfleet is made up of members who specialize in services and military functions aboard starships and starbases. Their specialties may include engineering, security or communications.

22nd century 2230s
Red (ENT) Yellow (2230s)
2230s-2250s 2250s 2265-2270s[4] Early 2270s[5] Late 2270s-2350s[6]
Bronze (2240s-2250s) Cream (2250s) Red (TOS) Red Shoulder (TMP) Yellow Shoulder (TWOK)
Yellow Shoulder (TMP) Gray Shoulder (TWOK)
Cream (TOS) Gray Shoulder (TMP) Green Shoulder (TWOK)
Blue Shoulder (TWOK)
2350s-2360s 2360s-2370s
service uniform
duty uniform
Yellow (Early TNG) Yellow (TNG) Yellow (VOY) Yellow (DS9)
Early 2380s Mid 2380s 2390s
File:Yellow (early 2380s).png File:Yellow (mid 2380s).png File:Yellow (2390s).png

Alternate realities[]

2250s 2380s-2400s 2390s 2410
Red (STXI) Yellow (alternate 2380s) Yellow (alternate 2390s) Yellow (2410s) Grey
29th century
Bronze (2800s)

Fan continuities[]

Star Trek: Remington[]

Yellow (DS9)
Bronze (DS9)
Green (DS9)

Sciences division[]

The sciences division is a division of Starfleet made up of members who perform various scientific duties aboard their starbases or starships, such as medicine or counseling.

22nd century 2230s[8]
Teal (ENT) Gray (2230s)
White (2230s)
2230s-2250s 2250s 2265-2270s Early 2270s[9] Late 2270s-2350s[10]
Silver (2240s-2250s) Blue (2250s) Blue (TOS) Orange Shoulder (TMP) Gray Shoulder (TWOK)
Light Green Shoulder (TMP) Light Green Shoulder (TWOK)
2350s-2360s 2360s-2370s
service uniform
duty uniform
Blue (Early TNG) Blue (TNG) Teal (VOY) Teal (DS9)
Early 2380s Mid 2380s 2390s
File:Teal (early 2380s).png File:Teal (mid 2380s).png File:Teal (2390s).png

Alternate realities[]

2250s 2380s-2400s 2390s 2410
Blue (STXI) Teal (alternate 2380s) Blue (alternate 2390s) Teal (2410s) Grey
29th century
Gray (2800s)

Fan continuities[]

Star Trek: Intrepid[]

service uniform
Teal (TNG)

Star Trek: Remington[]

duty uniform
2370s-2380s[12] 2380s[12]
Blue (VOY) Blue (DS9) Blue (DS9)
White (DS9)


  1. Command division personnel could also wear green uniforms.
  2. Command personnel wore white and helm and navigation personnel wore yellow.
  3. Command personnel wore red, flight personnel wore lavender and intelligence personnel wore black.
  4. Operations division personnel could also wear beige uniforms.
  5. Engineering and maintenance personnel wore red, communications personnel wore yellow and security and services personnel wore gray.
  6. Helm and engineering personnel wore orange, communications and navigation personnel wore gray, security personnel wore dark green and services personnel wore light blue.
  7. Operations personnel wore yellow, engineering personnel wore bronze and security personnel wore green.
  8. Sciences personnel wore gray and medical personnel wore white.
  9. Sciences personnel wore orange and medical personnel wore light green.
  10. Sciences personnel wore gray and medical personnel wore light green.
  11. In Star Trek: Intrepid continuity, sciences personnel wore teal.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 In Star Trek: Remington continuity, sciences personnel wore blue until the division was further sub-divided in 2383, after which sciences personnel wore blue and medical personnel wore white.

External links[]
