Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe
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Steve Atwell is an actor based in Kansas City who has appeared in several Star Trek fan films, as well as 2 Star Trek audio adventures. Other credits include various voices in an audio adaptation of, '1,001 Arabian Nights', and stage work with the City Theatre of Independence.

Atwell has played Captain Krorath in the fan films Starship Valiant, Lexington Adventures: Rise of the Tribbles, Around the World and Forever: A Star Trek Fan Production, Requiem: A Star Trek Fan Production, The Eleventh Hour: A Star Trek Fan Production, and Much Afraid: A Star Trek Fan Production. He's also played alternate universe versions of Krorath in Nausea: A Star Trek Fan Film, and Change: A Star Trek Fan Production. Atwell has also voiced Krorath in the audio adventure A Call to Unity: A Star Trek Audio Fan Production and lent his voice to the audio adventure Chronicle: A Star Trek Fan Audio Production as Lt. Throvin, an Andorian officer aboard the USS Cassandra.

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