Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe
Not to be confused with ENT: "Storm Front"


Khan takes revenge on USS Baldwin captain Patrick Ingrum by kidnapping one of his old friends

Log Entries[]

Captain's log, Stardate 52069: In the last four months, we've started taking the offensive. We've taken the Chin'toka system, and have knocked the Dominion out of much of our pre-war territory. Still, I'd feel a lot better the sooner this thing is over.
Captain's personal log, Stardate 52081.3: I am now approaching the planet where I have encountered Khan before. He told me this this matter is personal — believe me, it is.

Memorable Quotes[]

"Also, I have a little decoration for your ready room,”
(Patrick pulls out a award)

"Not to mention your eternal gratitude for saving your skin," "That, too."

Patrick Ingrum and Andrea Riffin
"So, Khan thinks that by swiping Katy, he's going to convince you to confront him."
"Yes, and he's damn right about it too."
Reinette Hernandez and Patrick, on Khan's Psychological strategy
"You must really love Katy to do this for her. Would you do if it were one of us?"
"I probably would, but I think Khan knew where to hit me the hardest."
Bridget and Patrick
"If you're trying to push my buttons, you're hitting them squarely at the bullseye,"
— Patrick, recognizing Khan's intentions


Cassoday, Katy; Grankite Order of Tactics; Interphase cloaking device; Ingrum, Patrick; USS Nimitz; Riffin, Andrea; Singh, Khan Noonien


External link[]

Storm Front Full text of the story, on the author's website.
