Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

I need some help here, I'm all thumbs with this stuff still. Among other things, I need help with:

Listing the key characters involved in the raid and important figures referenced in the linked story so I can start providing the bios and such, clarifying events, and making it not-a-dead-end. I REALLY didn't realize how much goddam material we created between when we started (2013 or thereabouts) and when we had our last hurrah (right around 2019).

The later version of the story ("Spiked") was actually compiling three older stories, brought in line with where we were in writing the later stories, plus connective tissue from Knightraider6 and Starswordc, including Starswordc's EXCELLENT sections as Kanril Eleya figured out the Moabite plan mere days before they hit the TF Omega Transwarp gate coming back...with an undine fleet on their heels. which tied together BETTER than the original I first co-wrote with Sander_233 alone.

Geena Pak was a 'died offscreen' macGuffin tied to Peregrine Wahlberger (one of the characters that persisted in the series from the first story, through to the end of the last one we did, 'Myrmidons') Geena only turns up in the past-tense, as she's only mentioned in the unpublished-as-of-yet "Peregrine's Descent" and one battle scene at the Son Tay location...indirectly.

The Actual "Son Tay" rescue was a tip of the hat to the long-deleted "Terrordrome" character raid, an early STF that was removed from the game some time ago.