Okay, whoever slapped that grammar tag on this: are you satisfied NOW? -- Myke O'Nidd 🍄
- Noticed the sidebar was showing some strange code. Fixed it. For the below section, it should be more in-universe in tone. --Hawku (talk) 13:46, 16 November 2024 (UTC)
- In the non-canonical setting of he 1986 TOS novel: Dreadnought! USS Star Empire was a prototype of the Mk V refit, either a major rebuild of the original vessel or an outright replacement, in either case bearing contract number 2331 instead of the original 2116. As hull number 2331, it was variously prefixed by NCC and MKV, but never the usual NX, possibly due to the secrecy surrounding the project. This is the vessel depicted in the sidebar.
- Also, wondering if either this artricle's title should be a generic USS Star Empire with a section for each registry, or split into two seperate articles. --Hawku (talk) 13:54, 16 November 2024 (UTC)