Star Trek Expanded Universe

Why the rename? I see the Yamato II article, but that doesn't mean this needs a I suffix. When they launched Intrepid II, they didn't retroactively name the previous vessel Intrepid I. --TimPendragon 19:22, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

Add: If it's simple differentiation between this and another Galaxy-class Yamato, then it should be listed this way: USS Yamato (Galaxy class) (I) and USS Yamato (Galaxy class) (II). As it is now, it looks the numeral is part of the vessel's name. --TimPendragon 19:26, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

good point -- the title "Yamato (Galaxy class)" is non-specific, it refers to both ships -- both are Yamatoes, both are Galaxy class. People keep adding information about the second ship to the article about the first ship, and that's frustrating -- theres no need for two ships to share one article.
My alternate suggestion would be to just call it the "USS Yamato-E", since it is the only ship that could possibly be referred to by that name.. your (I) idea seems a lot nicer though, even though its starting to look silly having two separate parentheses sets, which i dislike -- Captain M.K.B. 19:28, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
Two sets of parenthesis isn't ideal, but I've seen it done in situations like this. Memory Beta has, and I believe Memory Alpha as well. --TimPendragon 19:35, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
No, MA hasn't started on that slippery slope yet, that i recall. however, i like your idea as it solves most of the problems -- Captain M.K.B. 19:36, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
I didn't think splitting the article like that was that necessary. The way the second Yamato was written could still fit in with the continuity of the first one (since it sort of acknowledges the previous' destruction). And they do kind of split article's with multiple ships of the same name on Memory Alpha. Although I could see why you would want to split it - to avoid confusion. I also dislike the two seperate parentheses in the titles. But if the second Yamato is an interference with the Pendragon continuity, then I have no problem with the article split. --Hawku 02:49, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
And they do kind of split article's with multiple ships of the same name on Memory Alpha.
Well I was going to give the USS Prometheus as an example, but they ended up splitting it too. So never-mind my comments. --Hawku 02:59, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
Just clarifying something from your earlier comments - the second Yamato is from an RPG fleet, nothing to do with Pendragon. Pendragon does mention the first's destruction, though. --TimPendragon 03:08, 15 December 2006 (UTC)