Hey .. i fixed and write better .... Im geting a iamge of the York Town to put here.... Please, removoe the tag...
- I'm sorry, but you need to be a little clearer in your English. It's difficult to decipher what you're trying to say in your articles. Also, please read the message on your talk page. --SasorizaA•T 22:47, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
ZardoZ 22:54, 5 December 2006 (UTC)OK .. I'm fixing it ... Sorry for my English (I´m Spanish, and in Spanish is very tipical make very long sentences). Im trying to fix it thanks to the English dictionary of Fire Fox, and some translations tools that i have. The old wiki from im moving all data is : http://cientificcion.wiki.mailxmail.com/ (is down now the serve, but I'm getting the data from the cache of my web browser. I'm seeing the style and paux page. Thanks!(ZardoZ)ZardoZ 22:54, 5 December 2006 (UTC)