Star Trek Expanded Universe

Wondering how people would feel about changing this page to either a redirect to Vulcan (species) or moving said page here? I think it is more likely that when people think Vulcan they think of the species and that when people make links or search they would be after the species page. As for the disambiguation page it can be moved to Vulcan (disambiguation) much like Luna (disambiguation). – JayLR 11:07, 4 July 2008 (UTC)

bumpJayLR 05:20, 13 July 2008 (UTC)
Good question. When I think "Vulcan", I think of the planet, but I can see it from both sides. As for how I'd do it... I'd use "Vulcan" for the planet, "Vulcans" for the species, and disambiguate anything that needs disambiguating. From one perspective (and I know this may sound silly, since none of it's real, but anyhoo), Vulcans wouldn't call themselves "Vulcans" in their native language, and we aren't going to use whatever that term might be as the species article title (even if we knew for sure what it was and it could be univerally agreed upon by fans/writers), so, why not "Vulcans". But then that might open the door for using "Andorians" instead of Andorian, "humans" instead of human, etc. In that case, "Vulcans" could just be an exception to the rule. On the other hand, "Vulcan" for the species and "Vulcan (planet)" for the... uh... planet, is fine too (and probably less confusing). (Geez, fans take things a little too far sometimes, don't we.) Sasoriza AdmTlk 06:16, 13 July 2008 (UTC)
Vulcans actually already goes to the species article. Problem with making Vulcans the species article is when you're talking about an individual you'd have to type [[Vulcan]], which is really no different to typing [[Vulcan|Vulcan (species)]]. I think MA uses plurals for species to redirect to the category listing said individuals, which isn't a terrible idea. – JayLR 06:56, 13 July 2008 (UTC)