Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Tang Zian served as chief science officer of the USS Independence (NCC-77199) and USS Independence (NCC-67091). (Star Trek: Independence)

Early Life[]

Tang was born in 2352 on Earth.

Starfleet Academy[]

Tang entered Starfleet Academy in 2369.

USS Galaxy[]

Upon graduation in 2373, Tang was assigned to the USS Galaxy in the sciences division.

USS Independence (NCC-77199)[]

After the conclusion of the Dominion War, Tang was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and reassigned to the new vessel.

USS Independence (NCC-67091)[]

In late October of 2376, the remaining crew of the former USS Independence (NCC-77199) received special dispensation from Starfleet Operations to rename the Jaap Penraat to Independence.

Captain Sintina Aurelia asked him to continue to serve as chief science officer aboard the new Independence.

Family and personal life[]

  • Both parents and a younger sister reside in China.


  • 2352: Born on Earth
  • 2369: Joined Starfleet
  • 2373: Assigned to the USS Galaxy
  • 2375: Promoted to Lieutenant (jg) and sent to the USS Independence (NCC-97650)
  • 2376: Assigned to the USS Independence (NCC-67091) as chief science officer