Star Trek Expanded Universe

Tareus IV is a frozen planet in Romulan space. It is a Class P world, over which the Tareus IV shipyards are located. (RIS Bouteina)

Astronomical Data[]



  • Tareus IV


  • None

Further Information[]


Mostly frozen wastelands but it was a planet where duranium and tritanium was mined.

Also, the Pac-Men maintained an embassy on the planet, which was the largest pizzeria on the planet. In addition, many fast-food restaurants were built on the planet, giving rise to the Super Size Me holoprogram.

See also[]


The first known appearance of Tareus IV, as well as its related shipyards, is in an internal memo of a Star Trek Online fleet, the Imperial Romulan Fleet, of which the RIS Bouteina writer was an enarrain, despite the writer not playing the game. Said fleet was started as a gaming guild who was a platform for Romulan-oriented players of Star Trek video games.
