Star Trek Expanded Universe

Taris Syndrome is a disease, sometimes fatal, with varying symptoms dependent on race. The disease is a collection of symptoms and infections as a result to alteration of the host's genetic profile. It is named after Taris III, where the first known outbreak occurred sometime during the late 2360s.

Transmission and controversy[]

Transmission of the disease is unknown, but airborne contact has been ruled out. This may vary from species to species. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Breaking Benjamin")

Some doctors felt the disease was "too perfect" and was a genetically-engineered weapon that got out of its creators' control. The disease's adaptation and apparently random infection also suggested this. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Daughter's Keeper")

Known symptoms[]

Symptoms vary greatly from race to race, and even person to person, dependent on the mutation of the genetic structure.

Victims Cantabrian Dr. Marie Bourget saw on Lelar Prime showed gross disfigurement, low immune systems, lung-related diseases and disorders, and integumentary system diseases and disorders. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Breaking Benjamin") Other doctors from various regional planets and powers reported other symptoms such as liver or renal failure, cardiopulmonary distress and other various systemic failures. More surprisingly, some doctors noted some hosts could demonstrate no outward symptoms for many years until sudden, dramatic results would occur. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Daughter's Keeper")

Cantabrian linguist Benjamin Caldwell's first symptoms included fever, "skin crawling" and a slight strange shimmer on his skin. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Bitter Sweet")

Known infected planets and responses[]

  • Taris III: The source of the syndrome. Response unknown.
  • Lelar Prime: Nearly 20% of the population was infected by 2372. Responses included gathering infected in sectors of main cities to segregate them from the healthy population and limited medical resources devoted to maintaining the ill. Controlled incineration of the deceased to possibly stop further contamination also used. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Breaking Benjamin")
  • Various other planets near the Typhon Expanse: Infection rates on these planets ranged from 1% to 15% of the population, indicating the disease was on the move throughout the region. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Daughter's Keeper")


As of 2373, no known cure remains. Doctors from various species, including Bourget, continue to work on finding a cure for the illness. Symptoms of the disease, however, may be held in check using a combination of conventional and new medicine, as well as a healthy living routine, including healthy balanced diet, exercise and meditation.

Medical doctors meeting at the conference in late 2372 decided to attempt a multi-pronged approach to holding the disease and prevent its spread while also working on a cure. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Daughter's Keeper")


  • Taris Syndrome was created to be a disease similar to AIDS; the "early days" of Taris Syndrome also reflect the "early days" of the AIDS crisis.