Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

"The Art of Listening" is the seventh episode of the first season of Chronicle, a Star Trek fan audio drama.

"The Art of Listening" was released on YouTube on 21 February 2020.

Episode summary[]

The mighty starship USS Witch of Endor is en route to the Perseus Arm. But during a break from slipstream, V'Nell must deal with her grandfather's death. Meanwhile a certain gift to her roommate brings news...

Episode cast[]


2370; Ambassador-class; Aenar; Aerhiem; Andorian; artificial intelligence; autopsy; Azurian, Athena; Bajor; Cardassia Prime; Cassandra, USS; colony; communication buoy; computer core; counselor; Draper, Suzanne; Fa-do-far; father; Ferengi Alliance; grandfather; grandmother; hologram; katra; Lovak 2; Milky Way Galaxy; mother; murder; Nath Behal; Orion Arm; Perseus Arm; Qo'noS; Re-Convergence; Romulan Free State; runabout; Sariij; shen; sickbay; Skovaan; Starbase 58; Starfleet Command; Stiles, Zachary; telepathy; Tellar Prime; T'Lar; trauma; United Federation of Planets; V'Nell; Vulcan; Witch of Endor, USS; za'ak; Zeff


External links[]
