Star Trek Expanded Universe

The Best of Trek #2–From the Magazine for Star Trek Fans was the second volume of the best of Trek, published in March 1980 under the NAL Signet imprint.

One noteworthy feature in this volume was chapter 18, "The Rise of the Federation - Part I: The Eugenics Wars", a detailed fan-written history of the Eugenics Wars, remarkably different from other fanon and canon sources.



  1. "Klingon Update" - Leslie Thompson
  2. " "Just" a Simple Country Doctor?" - Joyce Tullock
  3. "Subspace Radio and Space Warps" - Mark Andrew Golding
  4. "The Romulan/Klingon Alliance" - Patrick R. Wilson
  5. "The Fall of the Federation" - Phillip Carpenter
  6. "Women in the Federation" - Pamela Rose
  7. "On Ship-to-Surface Transportation" - Richard G. Van Treuren
  8. "I Love Spock" - Beverly Wood
  9. "Characterization Rape" - Kendra Hunter
  10. "A Sampling of Trek Roundtable"
  11. "A New Year's Revolution" - Mary Jo Lawrence
  12. "Captain Kirk's Duties" - G.B. Love
  13. "A Star Trek Needlepoint Design" - Beverly Wood
  14. "A Brief Look at Kirk's Career" - Leslie Thompson
  15. "More Time Travels in Star Trek" - Mark Andrew Golding
  16. "Another View of the Psychology of Mr. Spock's Popularity" - Jack Lenburg
  17. "Kirk and Hornblower" - G.B. Love
  18. "The Rise of the Federation" - Jim Houston
  19. "Speculations on Spock's Past" - Pamela Rose
  20. "Bill Shatner: An Acting Critique" - Mark Schooney
  21. "Jim's Little Black Book" - Walter Irwin

External link[]

Complete Starfleet Library: The Best of Trek #2
