Star Trek Expanded Universe

"The Nega'Jem, Part II" was the thirty-third episode of Star Trek: Phoenix-X. It was the last episode of a two-part episode arc, and the eighth episode of the second season.


The Phoenix-X crew continues with plans to force the Nega'Jem back home, but soon find they are interrupted by some kind of asteroid-tentacle species called the Sleri. Meanwhile, as all three Vectors of the Phoenix-X are on their own missions, Seifer's team accidentally causes an explosion of an Iso-Star, of which then becomes a threat to everyone.

Background information[]

  • The "other universe" in this episode will later be established as the Mirror Universe in "Mirrorlyness!".
  • Seifer's knowledge of the whereabouts of the Iso-Star would come from one of his three escaped times aboard Vector 3 in the Vector 3 time-loop, established in the episode "Secret Shuttles, Part IV."

External link[]
