Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe
You may also be looking for the Tiloniam system.

The Tilonian system was a star system where the Tilonian species lived. Their government fell into anarchy in 2369. At the time, several factions were vying for power. (TNG: "Frame of Mind")


Star Trek: Phoenix-X[]


Starships approach the Sacred Disorder.

In the late 2370s, the Tilonians were fractured enough that a portion of the population colonized another star system and called their second home the Tiloniam system. In 2374, when the Tiloniam star erupted unnaturally, from a Dominion-fired J3 torpedo, and the entire system was destroyed, the evacuated Tilonian inhabitants of the colonized world were forced to return to the Tilonian system. ("The Tiloniam System", "Celestial Dynamics")

In 2379, the USS Atlantis-R created the Sacred Disorder in the Tilonian system, prompting the Tilonians to start revering it.

In 2400, the Tilonians continued to revere the Sacred Disorder. When it was approached again by the Atlantis-R, they sent the Tilonian starship Ruoven to investigate. Shortly after, they were joined by the USS Phoenix-X and the Vorgon Xyfius-class Yolanda.

In 2404, Admiral Theseus had permission from the Tilonian government to study the Sacred Disorder and, secretly, when the Atlantis-R reappeared on the timeline, had Epsilon Fleet position the ship into the anomaly to prep it into an Omni nest. In an attempt to stop Theseus from becoming omnipotent, Captain Night Seifer transformed the anomaly into an ion storm/molecular reversion field that consequently turned all the Starfleet officers young again. ("Celestial Dynamics")


  • Tilonus IV

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