Star Trek Expanded Universe

Commander Timoteo "Tim" Russo was a Starfleet engineer serving during the late 24th century.

While assigned to the Nebula-class USS Bellerophon in 2367, the ship's warp core had a catastrophic failure and Russo was exposed to warp-engine coolant gases. He and several others injured on that ship were transferred to the hospital ship Haven. Russo was given a field promotion to chief petty officer on the same date. As well, he had been scheduled to be transferred to Star Port Orchard but records from the Bellerophon weren't transferred before that ship was destroyed during the Battle of Wolf 359. (Constar Chronicles: Shakedown after-credits scene)

During the battle, Russo was one of the personnel assembled by Captain Erick Minard to crew the 23rd century USS Constar, so the ship could evacuate civilians. He sat at the bridge communications station. (Constar Chronicles: Resistance: A Star Trek Fan Production, Break Free: A Star Trek Fan Production)

He was chief engineer of the Constar for many years. (Constar Chronicles: Stand With Me: A Star Trek Fan Production, If I Wait Here Long Enough: A Star Trek Fan Production)

Russo seemed to be promoted several times, in only a few years, after earning an officer's commission at some point.

After the ship was nearly destroyed and thought unsalvageable by Starfleet Command, Russo and Minard disagreed with that assessment, and began refits and upgrades of the vessel at Bremerton II in 2374. He retained the post of chief engineer during the Constar-A's shakedown trials and was promoted to full commander, just before the ship entered service during the Dominion War. (Constar Chronicles: Just Another Day, Shakedown, The 11th Hour)

Officers of the starship Constar
Erick Minard | Mickle | Xing Xing | Mickle | TBA Bartley | Minette Villines | TBA Mickle | Heublein | K. Wright | Mitchel Quincy | Russo Xeen TBA Chilcot
NX/NCC-136 - NCC-1036 - NCC-1036-A - NCC-1036-B

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