Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Tong was a Starfleet Tactical officer aboard the USS Phoenix-X in the late 24th century. He was known to have one of the highest Esper ratings in a human. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X)


Several years before 2393, Tong was illicitly given Esper powers, against his will. ("Triple Phoenix")

In 2393, Tong would regularly shadow Commander Night Seifer's mundane Commander-level desk work. ("Tales of Recollection")

When Doctor Xyrenia overwatered crossbred roses, she caused an over-pollination throughout the ship that disrupted Tong's concentration during a spar with Elly. The result led him to sucker-punching her, of which she needed to go to Sickbay to treat. Xyrenia commented that Tong was a man of the highest Esper rating they'd ever seen. ("All at Once")

Later, Tong struggled with the mental-aspect of his Esper abilities when he began hearing voices coming from the Lost Void during the Phoenix-X and Unreliable's retaliation against the Hiss. Elly supported him during the ordeal. ("Convergencies")

After this, Tong continued to struggle with lapses in focus, causing both he and Elly to fail another run of the Kobayashi Maru scenario. ("Tales of Recollection")

When the Phoenix-X answered a distress call to Arloff IX, Tong discovered the Omni there were more like him than different and persued training opportunities through a short fight with Muko. ("Triple Phoenix")

In 2400, Tong was at tactical when the Phoenix-X was in contest with the USS Atlantis-R in the Tilonian system. He recognized the outrageous temporal cocktail Sayjan had developed for his plans to modify the Sacred Disorder.

In 2404, he momentarily revved up his Esper abilities in response to Admiral Theseus coming out as trying to attain Omni powers. ("Celestial Dynamics")

