Star Trek Expanded Universe

Transfer, Transfer is a crossover that 'remixes' the events of the classic Star Trek : The Original Series episode 'Mirror, Mirror' with the characters and locations of the classic sitcom/drama M*A*S*H*, with some hints of Star Trek proper as well. It is the sixth book of the MASH-based crossover series, The Never-Ending Battle, and is written by Rob Morris.

Returning to camp during a horrendous storm, Chief Surgeon Hawkeye Pierce, Head Nurse Margaret Houlihan, Father Francis Mulcahy and Doctor BJ Hunnicutt find themselves returning not to the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital 4077th, but to the Mobile Army Racial Purifier Vier, a Fascist death camp, complete with twisted versions of everyone they know, including some who had gone home in their world. Hawkeye finds he is the ruthless Commander Pierce, a man who turned in his own father and who murdered all the officers in the way of his path to power. Doctor Sidney Freedman, back in their world, quickly realizes that the people who came back did not go insane, and must seek aid to put things right, while four healers try and keep up appearances in a world where they kill the people they try to help in their own.
