Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe
You may also be looking for Edward.

The Tyson (formerly known as the Edward) was a Chaffee-type shuttlepod in service in the late 24th century, initially belonging to the USS Dropzone, then the USS Phoenix-X, then the Unreliable. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X, The Unreliable's Light)


Edward (USS Phoenix-X's timeline)[]

In 2390, when a group of Hirogen attacked several Starfleet vessels, including the Dropzone, several officers escaped aboard the Dropzone's Edward and Tengu, eventually being rescued by the Phoenix-X. ("Into Harshness")

In 2391, undercover Commander Night Seifer and Ensign Dan took the Edward to the cargo/passenger freighter Tetsu in order to commandeer it as part of a Section 31 mission. After the mission, the two returned on the Edward back to the Phoenix-X. ("The Nemesis Factor")

In 2393, the Edward, from the Phoenix-X, was unintentionally left aboard the Unreliable during an interdimensional ordeal against the Hiss in the Lost Void. It was then brought to 2365 of the Unreliable's timeline where Captain Breezie McKormic planned to modify and rename the shuttle saying it "could do with a bit of a unique touch" after almost cracking up hearing the original name. ("Convergencies")

Tyson (Unreliable's timeline)[]

In 2366, of the Unreliable's timeline, Breezie had completed the refit and had renamed the shuttle to Tyson, classifying it as a 'Battle Shuttle' due to the new weapons it had added on, such as phaser arrays, a micro-torpedo launcher & 2 prototype Phaser Lances on the front of the shuttle. ("New Ewe On Deck")

Later that same year, the shuttle was used to chase down one of Valentino's limousines to prevent it delivering cargo to the Vee Tower. ("DownVall")


Background information[]

  • The shuttlepod as Edward, as well as the USS Ragnarok's Edward, were both named after the child hacker Radical Edward from the tv show Cowboy Bebop. [1]
  • As Tyson, it was named after the famed professional boxer Mike Tyson.

External links[]
