Star Trek Expanded Universe

The UES Heron Bay (FR-251) was a Durance-class transport in United Earth Stellar Navy (and later United Earth Starfleet) service during the mid-22nd century. In the 2150s and now flagged as UESS (United Earth Space Ship), she was converted to the Manheim destroyer subclass, as a test of converting the entire Durance class into the warships necessary to engage the Romulan enemy. Spaces immediately below the amidships cargo platform were cleared to create a missile storage bay, with a retractable dorsal hatch. The versatile cargo grappling arms were reconfigured and retasked to host a 500 GW phased particle cannon (port) and a fusion missile launcher (starboard). The experiment demonstrated the necessity for dedicated combatant vessels, due to the numerous logistics, training, and capacity reasons highlighted by the experiences of the Manheim subclass. (Star Fleet Starship Recognition Manual: Report #293: Durance Transport)

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