Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Not to be confused with the Mediterranean-class USS Aegean.

The USS Aegean (NCC-54138) was an Niagara-class starship serving Starfleet in the mid-24th century commanded by Captain Nara Pian. (The Unreliable's Light)

In 2364, Commanders Sam Thorn & Penelope Hyun were sent down to collect a team including Breezie McKormic to recruit the Unreliable into the battle against the Terran Empire, of which they were successful. The ship then escorted the Unreliable to the battlefield.

The Aegean did survive the battle. ("Mirror Leakage")

Alternate Timelines[]

Blood Of The Yakuza[]

According to Devoid, the Yakuza had destroyed the Aegean whilst it was on a cargo run. Due to it being mentioned specifically, the destruction must've happened around that year. ("Blood Of The Yakuza")
