Star Trek Expanded Universe

The USS Albany (NCC-587) was a Hermes-class scout -- of the Cygnus-subclass -- in Federation Starfleet service in the late 23rd and early 24th centuries. (Star Trek: Avenger)

Lauren Milan served aboard Albany as a helm officer from 2287 to 2289. (Star Trek: Avenger: "The Sum of Her Parts")

In 2290, Albany was deployed to the Seventh Fleet under the command of Captain Faas.

By the early 2300s, Albany was commanded by Captain Burke. (Star Trek: Avenger: "Back in the Saddle Again")


The ship was named after the city of Albany, New York, in North America on Earth. A campus of Archer University is here.

The city was renamed in 1664 (originally Fort Nassau and Fort Orange) after the Duke of Albany. This was an English peerage title first granted in the 14th century. "Albany" was a broad territorial term encompassing representing Scotland north of the River Forth.
