Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

USS Alfr (NCC-1741) was a Constitution-class heavy cruiser — of the Achernar-subclass — on active duty in Starfleet during at least the late 23rd century. (Star Fleet Technical Manual, Ships of the Star Fleet, vol. 1 [revised])

Hobbyist's Guide to the UFP Starfleet[]

In this continuity, a deal between the Federation and the Ktarians to purchase three Achernars fell through. One of the vessels involved was USS Alfr; along with her sister ships USS Astrad (NCC-1739) and USS Xanthii (NCC-1743), she was adopted into Starfleet proper and given improved transporter and computer systems.

The three ships served in TacFleet along with ships of the advanced Victory-subclass, and were instrumental in defending a Xindi incursion against the lower coreward Federation border in the early 2270s. (Hobbyist's Guide to the UFP Starfleet, Part 1a)
