Star Trek Expanded Universe

USS Angeles: The Price of Duty is the initial fan film that began the Hidden Frontier series of fan productions. It was followed by Voyages of the USS Angeles which led to Star Trek: Hidden Frontier and its sequel series.

The film was made c. 1998 by Rob Caves and members of the USS Angeles fan club. Upon completion, it was given a limited release on VHS and DVD. Later, the film was remastered and in 2012 was given a wide release on YouTube followed by a release in 2021 as an AI Upscaled edition.


  • Janice Willcocks as Cpt. Janice Willcocks
  • Jennifer Cole as Fleet Cpt. Jennifer Cole
  • Jason Munoz as Ensign Jason Munoz
  • Susan Fox-Davis as Cmd. Sue
  • Robin Baker as Lt. Rob Baker
  • Jake Tenenbaum as Lt. Jake Tenenbaum
  • David W. Dial as Cpt. John Knapp
  • Gloria Wagner as Counselor Wagner
  • Dave Mason as Lt. Cmd. Dave Mason
  • Vince Bahr as Chief Vince Bahr
  • Jeremy Howard as Cadet Howard
  • Jim Fox-Davis as Qu'qul
  • Lynda Foley as CPO Lynda Foley
  • Richard Ortega as Dr. Richard Ortega
  • Juvenal Vique as CPO Juve Vique
  • John Whiting as Crewman Whiting
  • Cliff Gardner as Ensign Gardner
  • Jon Lane as Cpt. Jon Lane
  • Larry LaVerne as Cmd. Tolian Naros / Grunstad

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