Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

The USS Appomattox (NCC-75001) was a Sovereign-class heavy cruiser in service during the 24th century.


USS Appomattox mission patch.

Appomattox was deployed to the Starfleet First Fleet in 2378.

Background information[]

The USS Appomattox (NCC-75001) was a chapter of Starfleet International based in Virginia.

Space Station Bennu was the "mothership" (sponsor) for the "shuttle" (chapter-in-training) Grey Ghost, which was launched 7 October 2000. As a full-fledged chapter, USS Appomattox was commissioned on 08 September 2001.  Appomattox is a meeting chapter that has games and does raise money for charity.  The area of Virginia that members have come from covers Appomattox County, Virginia; Lynchburg, Virginia; Campbell County, Virginia; and Bedford County, Virginia.
