Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

The USS Artemis (NCC-71428) was an Akira-class starship which served in Starfleet's First Fleet and as the flagship for Task Force 1.


Named after the Greek Goddess of Hunting, the Artemis was launched on Stardate 61589.5 under the command of Commander David Hawk and finally commissioned on Stardate 62230.5.

At Deep Space 9, Fleet Captain David Hawk was chosen to lead a team of officers onboard the USS Columbia into the past to stop the Augments from changing Federation history. While Hawk was away, Captain Worf was placed in temporary command of Artemis. The Artemis was to report to Starbase 17 and retrieve the Kreon prisoners and deliver them to Kreon Prime to stand trial in their own system. After delivering the prisoners, the Artemis was assigned to assist the Kreon Government in stopping the terrorist Rebellion.


In early 2386, Captain Worf stood down as Temporary CO as Bruce Dashuria came aboard as Commanding Officer. After a small skirmish, the Artemis was destroyed from a Human Augment acquired Romulan Warbird. (Star Trek: Artemis)

Ship motto[]

"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear."
— Mark Twain
  • Creator's note: If you look at the Dedication Plaque closely, it says the Artemis was built in "San Fransisco" Yards instead of the San Fransisco Yards. Show creators believe that there must be a city on either the Moon or on Mars called San Fransisco.

Senior officers[]

White (DS9)
Lieutenant Commander Sayuri Chief Intelligence Officer and Acting Commanding Officer
Yellow (DS9)
Lieutenant Commander T'Hil Ruan Bay Chief Engineer
Red (DS9)
Lieutenant Mike Bridges Chief strategic ops officer
Yellow (DS9)
Lieutenant JG Pete Carlson Chief of Operations
Teal (DS9)
Lieutenant JG Amistr Rasmussen Chief Counselor
Teal (DS9)
Ensign T'Sen Nurse
Red (DS9)
Fleet Master Chief Michael Williams Command Master Chief of USS Artemis and Fleet Master Chief of Task Force 15

Team for USS Columbia Mission[]

Yellow (ENT)
Fleet Captain David Hawk Commanding Officer
MACO - LTC Lieutenant Colonel Jason Finnagan Executive Officer
MACO - LTC Lieutenant Colonel Eugen Jedrek Chief of Security/Marine Commander
Yellow (ENT)
Commander Nwaro Polak Special Operations Operative
Teal (ENT)
Lieutenant Commander Selmac Chief Science Officer
MACO - MAJ Major Levex Ixen Chief Tactical Officer
Teal (ENT)
Lieutenant Samantha Hestia Chief Medical Officer
Yellow (ENT)
Lieutenant Lavindia Chief Flight Control Officer
Red (ENT)
Lieutenant JG Morgan Lee Assistant Chief Engineer

Senior NPCs[]

Teal (DS9)
Lieutenant JG Cassandra Brodie Morale Officer
1stLt (DS9-VOY)
Green (DS9)
First Lieutenant Corey Emerson Marine Team Leader (Beta Team)
Teal (DS9)
Ensign Tashin Elbrun Chief Communications Officer
Teal (DS9)
Ensign Lor Vala Forward Communications Division Officer
MSgt (DS9-VOY)
Green (DS9)
Master Sergeant Avery Russell Marine First Sergeant

Previous officers[]

Red (DS9)
Captain Jayden Devon Previously Executive Officer; now Commanding Officer of USS Hyperion (NCC-25328).
Red (DS9)
Lieutenant Commander Dalen Ambrosious Previously Chief of Operations; now Executive Officer of USS Hyperion (NCC-25328).
Col (DS9-VOY)
Green (DS9)
Colonel Skylar Calimo Previously Acting Commanding Officer, he died during a battle skirmish between the Season Two finale and the Season Three premiere.
Red (DS9)
Lieutenant Cameron Hunter Previously Wing commander - Transferred.
Yellow (DS9)
Lieutenant JG Tolgone Rotorkle Chief Tactical Officer - He died in the Season Three premiere during the Columbia's battle with the Romulan Bird-of-Prey.
Yellow (DS9)
Lieutenant JG Shean McKormic Previously Chief Engineer. He died in the season one finale, Hybrids.
Yellow (DS9)
Lieutenant JG Ashton Carter Previously Warp Propulsion Division Officer. Now the Acting Chief Engineer of USS Essex (NCC-31419).
Teal (DS9)
Lieutenant JG Ezri Cyl Previously Astrosciences Division Officer. Now Chief Science Officer of USS Hyperion (NCC-25328).