The series revolves around the titular ship, the USS Baldwin, which was discovered adrift near the CardassianDemilitarized Zone by Patrick Ingrum, who subsequently assumes command of the ship during the Dominion War and its aftermath. The stories mainly involve the interactions between her captain and crew members, along with overtones of intelligence gathering, cartography, and technology.
Current crew[]
CaptainPatrick Ingrum: In the prelude to the Dominion War, the then-XO of the USS Hastings was returning from packing his family's belongings from the abandoned colony of Aloran IV when he stumbled upon a cloaked vessel in orbit. The vessel decloaked, revealing itself to be the Baldwin. AdmiralWilliam Ross subsequently made Baldwin Patrick's ship.
Lieutenant CommanderBridget Ingrum: Formerly known as "Number Seven," A product of a Cardassiangenetic engineering project to create human agents. She served aboard Baldwin crew during the war as part of the engineering team. Afterward, Bridget and Patrick began a relationship that would eventually lead to their marriage and the birth of their daughter.
Lieutenant CommanderSara Jackson: A freshly-minted lawyer and a trusted friend and legal adviser to Patrick. She was shot by a Section 31 agent and was revived by Patrick utilizing Vortacloning technology.
LieutenantDonna Belding: Donna's mother was Patrick's first CO, and when Jaimie moved up to become Baldwin's first officer, Patrick brought Donna under his wing by placing her at tactical.
LieutenantLaura Bennett: Laura was recommended to Patrick as a skilled pilot. She has a high degree of clairvoyance and has developed telekinetic skills.
LieutenantStephanie Taylor: Has served various roles aboard Baldwin, including gamma-shift helm officer, the captain's "coordinator," and leader of Baldwin's dance troupe.
CaptainBernie Tyler: He was with his girlfriend, Roslyn, when their runabout was brought down by the Jem'Hadar on Aloran IV. They were picked up by Patrick shortly before stumbling upon Baldwin. He would subsequently serve as Ottawa's XO before being offered the Winchester.
Lieutenant CommanderRoslyn Tyler: Formerly known as "Number Six." Sister to Bridget and sister-in-law to Patrick. She was with Patrick when they discovered Baldwin. After spending time away from Bernie, they realized how much she loved him, and eventually married him.
Lieutenant CommanderSonya Fiehrer: Longtime friend of Patrick and Jenna. She was with Patrick when they discovered Baldwin in orbit. Formerly a fighter pilot aboard the USS Hastings, and Operations officer aboard the USS Ottawa, Bernie chose her as his XO.
With the Dominion War well underway, ships are quickly pressed to service, and battles are lost. An unusual finding leads the USS Baldwin to investigate using her latest tools.
The Dominion turns to the past and brings Khan into the 24th Century. He is sent to retrieve the founders on earth. Baldwin captain Patrick Ingrum is tasked to keep an eye on him.
After an ordinary day, Baldwin is targeted by the Dominion. The USS Ticonderoga protects Baldwin from enemy fire and supplies a talented navigator. Patrick also finds a full-time officer to run the "war room."
With the USS Enterprise in the Briar Patch, the USS Ticonderoga is sent to fix her up. Meanwhile, Patrick takes Captain Picard's initial mission and walks into a trap
The USS Baldwin escorts a hospital ship on a mission to stop a flu outbreak, and stumble upon a secret the Orion Syndicate doesn't want them to know about.
Returning to their ships after a debrief at Starfleet Command, Patrick and Jenna engage in an extended conversation which reveals a connection between the Baldwin and the Ingrum family. Baldwin's acting captain runs into trouble responding to Patrick and Jenna when they get stranded.
Governor Jacob Whitburn asks the USS Baldwin to check the background of a group of Orion free-traders. The leader of the trade delegation is interested in befriending Bridget