Star Trek Expanded Universe

USS Callisto (NCC-80109) was a Luna-class exploration cruiser on active duty in Starfleet during the late 24th century. (Star Trek: Titan novel: Sword of Damocles)

The Callisto was launched in 2379 under the command of Captain Alyson Foxton. (Star Trek: The Adventures of Argus)

In 2410, the Callisto was on an exploration mission in the Delta Quadrant 30,000 light-years from the Sol System. The Callisto was destroyed either by the Voth or the Vaadwaur. (Star Trek Online mission: Revelations)

Callisto Officers and Crew[]

In the continuity of Star Trek: The Adventures of Argus:


Callisto, as is true of her sister ships of the Luna-class, was named after a natural satellite within the Sol system. Callisto (moon) (aka Jupiter IV) is the second-largest moon of Jupiter.

Alternate continuities[]

Starfleet International[]

USS Callisto was deployed to the Starfleet Twelfth Fleet for one year under the command of Captain Robert Towne in 2388. (Towne later became commanding officer of the hospital ship USS Peace.)


USS Callisto mission patch.

Less than a year later, command would transfer to Mariann Gutierrez with the ship's being redeployed to the Starfleet Fifteenth Fleet. The current (2398) CO is Robert Beaulieu.

Fan organizations[]

The USS Callisto (NX-80109, later NCC-80109) was also a correspondence chapter of Starfleet International based in Wichita, Kansas and launched 07 June 2011. Its first chapter president was Robert Towne. A few months later, the chapter officers changed their fictional metaphor to that of the USS Peace, an Olympic-class hospital ship.

Another Callisto was based in Rhode Island. It was launched 09 February 2012. While it was a chapter-in-training ("shakedown cruise"), the club president was Mariann Gutierrez. (STARFLEET Command Status Report, January 2012)

The current (2021) chapter president is Robert Beaulieu.

External link[]

Fan organizations[]
