Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

USS Centaur (NCC-42043) was the prototype of the Centaur-class cruisers and saw service with the Federation Starfleet during the 24th century. (Ship Recognition Manual, Volume 1: The Ships of Starfleet; TNG novel: Articles of the Federation)

Orion Press has the registry of Centaur as NCC-1500, though this may be an earlier vessel of the same class, built in the 23rd century. (Centaur-class Specifications)

The vessel was served during the Dominion War and was under the command of Captain Charlie Reynolds. (DS9: "Call to Arms")

The Centaur was part of the fleet to take part in Operation Return. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")

The ship was part of a Starfleet armada dispatched to intercept the USS Protostar in 2384. The armada, including the Centaur, was infected by an alien viral weapon stowed on the Protostar, and her fate in the aftermath of the incident is unknown. (Star Trek Prodigy)

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