Star Trek Expanded Universe

The USS Chicago (NCC-75011) was a Sovereign-class heavy cruiser in Starfleet service during the 2380s.

Ship's History[]

Many of Chicago's senior staff had been part of a training cadre aboard the USS Bortas in the early 2380s.


USS Chicago mission patch.

In 2384, Chicago was deployed to the Starfleet Twelfth Fleet, under the command of Captain Jay Hurd. The acting executive officer was Commander Stephen Whyat.

Captain Hurd was formerly Gul Ja’Hurd of the Cardassian Union. He had defected to the Federation after growing disagreements with the Union’s policies. Jayden Tyronian, a Bajoran, volunteered to serve as Ja’hurd’s XO, not so much to for the position but to keep an eye on the Cardassian. Ja’Hurd’s wife, Amaree, was assigned to serve as the ship’s intelligence officer.

Rumors persisted that Ja’hurd and Amaree both may have been cover identities themselves, and that Ja’hurd could in fact be Malkavius Marcet, an eccentric Gul of the fabled Ajem’Dasis. (The Ajem'Dasis had been an order of knights in the Union believed extinct.) Ja’hurd, for the most part, had dismissed these rumors as the idle suspicions of those who have yet to heal from the wounds of the Dominion War.

Chicago was briefly on temporary assigned duty (TAD) to the Starfleet Eleventh Fleet under the command of Commander Jayden Tyronian, while Hurd took an extended leave of absence.

Captain Hurd, in late 2384, resumed command of Chicago. Tyronian was then transferred to Starfleet Tenth Fleet’s USS Atlantis. In mid-2385, Commander Otilio Puente was assigned as executive officer of the ship, relieving the second of two temporary execs.

In 2385, USS Chicago took part in a fleet exercise that pitted ships of the 12th Fleet against each other, acting out a scenario that involved the invasion of Terran Imperial Naval Forces. Starfleet Intelligence, as part of the exercise, instructed Captain Hurd to "reveal" that he and much of his senior staff were Cardassian (a fact that was actually true at least for the commanding officer and the ship’s chief intelligence officer). The Starfleet Intelligence scenario called for "Gul Ja’hurd" to "steal" the USS Chicago and go rogue. Gul Ja’hurd then employed a sleeper agent aboard the USS Bortas to send back data on 12th Fleet plans and strategies.

The scenario eventually ended in an undeclared draw when other more pressing matters arose. No clear winner was ever declared in the scenario.

Fan organizations[]

The USS Chicago (NCC-75011) was a chapter of Starfleet International, based in Steger, Illinois and founded 28 January 2007. (STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011) The chapter began as a correspondence chapter, but eventually transitioned to a meeting chapter and held its monthly meetings at The Zone Comics in Homewood, Illinois.

In 2007, USS Chicago was the Region’s Shakedown Chapter of The Year, accepted by chapter president Jay Hurd on behalf of the chapter at the 2007 Region 12 Summit in Champaign/Urbana, Illinois.

The Chicago was decommissioned in 2012.

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