Star Trek Expanded Universe

The USS Courageous (NCC-41976) was a variant Excelsior-class starship in the mid-24th century. (Star Trek: Courageous)

Starship history[]

The ship was commissioned in late 2348, part of the same general production batch as the USS Lakota, USS Hood, USS Fredrickson, USS Valley Forge and USS Charleston. Like the Lakota, the design was modeled on the refit configuration first demonstrated with the USS Enterprise-B.

The Courageous' first commanding officer was Captain Viggo Lindström.

Design features[]

Although one of the older starships in active service, due to desperate need and extensive refits during and after the Dominion War, the Courageous had been practically rebuilt from the inside out. As such, many of its interiors had more in common with modern ships of the era, most especially the Intrepid-class and Galaxy-class.

The Courageous' current bridge module is modelled after the design first featured on the Enterprise-B, but with a more 24th century feel. This includes the more circular appearance, with consoles lining the walls, a single command chair, with the Tactical console directly behind it and the large Master Situation Display on the aft wall.


Senior Staff

External link[]
