Star Trek Expanded Universe

The USS Gambit was a Federation starship in the mid 28th century that took part in the Federation-Alliance War. (Star Trek: 001)


In 2752, the Gambit intercepted distress messages from Ambassador Michael Larkin who was now safe on Bajor, prompting Drayson Hardgrove to call on Samantha Halliwell to have the USS Pollux rendezvous with the Gambit to pick him up. At the last moment, Hardgrove changed his plans and had the Gambit return to Starbase 001 with the Pollux. ("The Last Place You Look")

When Starbase 001 was knocked into a subspace realm inhabited by subspace aliens, the Gambit and the Pollux teamed up against an Alliance battle cruiser and were successful in disabling it. ("Alone")

Command crew[]
