Star Trek Expanded Universe

USS Ganymede (NCC-80107) was a Luna-class exploration cruiser on active duty in Starfleet during the late 24th century. (Star Trek: Titan novel: Sword of Damocles)

The Ganymede, as of 2388 was deployed to the Starfleet First Fleet under the command of Captain T. Lotta.


Ganymede, as is true of her sister ships of the Luna-class, was named after a natural satellite within the Sol system. Ganymede (moon) (aka Jupiter III) is a moon of Jupiter and the largest moon in the system.

Fan organizations[]

The USS Ganymede (NCC-80107) was also a chapter of Starfleet International, based in Lynchburg, Virginia, and launched 29 June 2009. Its chapter president in 2011 was Teri Lotto. (STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011)

External link[]

Fan organizations[]
