Star Trek Expanded Universe

The USS Gladiator (NCC-1011) was a Horizon-class heavy cruiser—of the Advance battle cruiser subclass—in Star Fleet service during the late-22nd century and into the mid-23rd.

In 2218, the subclass entered drydocks for an upgrade period focused specifically on enhancing the tactical suite to include replacing the torpedo bay located in the 'neck' of the ship with an auxiliary control room. Space was cleared out of the command island for a newer torpedo bay designed around modern forced-intermix warheads, and the two individual bays already present on the saucer rim were also upgraded. The phased particle cannons were replaced by newer models (Type J) that made use of better surge suppressors for 20% overcharging. An additional 950 MW laser emitter was placed on the ventral side of the secondary hull, forward of the GNDN interface; the entire laser fire control was upgraded to the USS Indomitable standard. Interestingly enough, the main battery of lasers (forward saucer, dorsal and ventral) were downgraded from 1.2 GW to 1.0 GW for better heat management (which had been impacting the life span of the emitter coils and lenses). (Star Fleet Starship Recognition Manual: Report #296: Horizon Heavy Cruisers)

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