Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

USS Ma'at (NCC-1794) was a Constitution-class heavy cruiser — of the Achernar-subclass — on active duty in Starfleet during at least the 23rd century. (Ships of the Star Fleet, vol. 1)


USS Maat mission patch.

Maat was deployed to the Starfleet First Fleet during the late 23rd century. (Starfleet International: USS Maat)


The ship, and its 24th century successor, was named after Ma'at, the Egyptian goddess of harmony, justice and truth.

Fan organizations[]

Ma'at has been a Starfleet International chapter since 1992, changing its fictional metaphor at least once. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 1)
