Star Trek Expanded Universe
USS Enterprise Command Pin This article is a stub. Please help STEU by expanding it.

The USS Marie Curie (NCC-2179) was a hospital ship in Federation Starfleet service beginning in 2300. (Hospital Ship Marie Curie) It was constructed at the Antares Ship Yards, at Antares A-IX (Antarra). The ship's motto was "To aid and give hope to all who are suffering." (Hospital Ship Marie Curie Facebook group)

An experimental Naucrate-class ship designed by Robert Callahan when he was at Starfleet Academy, Marie Curie was commanded by Captain Gaia Starr. (Hospital Ship Marie Curie: "The Beast", "Under Fire"; Battlecruiser Kupok: "A Matter of Trust"; Starship Deimos: "Blood Crystals") It was unusual in that both the ship and its security personnel were completely unarmed.

While the ship's command base was Starbase 211, there were more extensive medical facilities at Sector 72 General Hospital. ("Blood Crystals")

It was unrevealed if Sector 72 General Hospital was an orbital or planetbound facility, or both.

In 2304, Marie Curie was one of the ships based at Starbase 211 that wished the USS Webster well on its maiden voyage. (Starship Webster: "Launch")

Marie Curie Officers and Crew[]

Command Division[]

Tactical Department[]

Helm and Navigation Department[]

  • Charles Jones - helm officer ("The Beast")
  • Cadet Ronald McKenna - helm and navigation specialist ("Under Fire")
  • Cadet LouEmma Johnson - helm specialist ("A Matter of Trust")
  • Kelly Farman - navigator ("A Matter of Trust")
  • Stephan Jones - navigator ("Under Fire")

Sciences Division[]

Engineering Division[]

Communications Division[]

  • Aurayna Kate Arson - communications officer ("The Beast", "Under Fire")
  • Nooclo Hurst - communications officer ("A Matter of Trust")

Security Division[]

  • Samantha "Jack" Jackson - executive officer/chief of security ("The Beast", "A Matter of Trust", "Under Fire")
  • Ensign Bobodobalina ("Under Fire")

Medical Division[]


Marie Curie was named after Marie Curie (1867-1934), the Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist known for her pioneering research in radioactivity. She was also twice a Nobel laureate.

The Naucrate class was named after Naucrate, the wife of Daedalus and the mother of Icarus.

External links[]


