Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

USS Merrimac (NCC-1715) was a Constitution-class heavy cruiser — initially of the Bonhomme Richard-subclass — on active duty in Starfleet during at least the 23rd century. (Ships of the Star Fleet, vol. 1)

Alternative continuities[]

Delta Dynamics[]

Bonhomme Richard (Type 1) hc 3-ortho

The original configuration of the Bonhomme Richard subclass

Constitution Flt III (DD) 3-ortho

Constitution Flight III

The USS Merrimac (NCC-1715) was a Constitution-class heavy cruiser (of the Bonhomme Richard subclass) in Starfleet service during the mid- to late-23rd century. By 2265, all Bonhomme Richards (of the three types) had been upgraded to the Constitution Flight III standard. (Star Fleet Starship Recognition Manual: Report #298: Constitution Heavy Cruiser)

See Also[]

External links[]
