Star Trek Expanded Universe

USS N'dele (NCC-1758) was a Constitution-class heavy cruiser — of the Achernar-subclass — on active duty in Starfleet during the late 23rd century. (Star Fleet Technical Manual, Ships of the Star Fleet, vol. 1 [revised])

N'dele -- under the command of Captain Diane Marchant (2282-84), then Captain (later Rear Admiral) Leanne Jackson (2284-97) — was deployed to the Starfleet Eleventh Fleet for much of its operational lifetime. (Starfleet International)


The ship was probably named after N'Délé, a municipality in the Central African Republic. A citadel was constructed nearby in the 19th century.

Fan organizations[]

N'dele was a Starfleet International chapter based in Australia from 1982 to 1997. Nothing is known of the chapter's existence after that year. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 11)

In 1992, her chapter president was Leanne Jackson. (Communiqué 50 [April/May 1992])

External links[]
