Star Trek Expanded Universe
You may also be looking for USS North Star.

USS Northstar was a Nebula-class cruiser on active duty in Starfleet during the 24th century.

The Starfleet International chapter had the registry of NCC-10462, after the Bronx zip code of its chapter president. Ships of the Star Fleet had NCC-71968 for the registry.

Northstar was built at Puget Sound Fleet Yards, Earth. It was launched in January of 2367 and commissioned in April of that year. (Ships of the Star Fleet, Vol. 1: Cruisers. 2377-78.)

In 2373, Northstar, commanded by Captain Mikhail, and USS Lakota escorted captured Maquis to new colony worlds. (Star Trek: The Badlands novel: The Badlands, Part IV) Later that year, or the following year, Northstar began deployment to the Starfleet Seventh Fleet. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 7; Starfleet International: Vessel Registry, 0801.07 revision)


The ship was named after Northstar (character) aka Jean-Baptiste Beaubier, an openly gay 20th century mutant superhero gifted with superspeed and light-based powers.

Fan organizations[]

The USS Northstar was a Brooklyn, New York-based chapter of Starfleet International, then an independent fan organization.

In the 1990s, the chapter was based at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Services Center in Manhattan. Its chapter presidents included Michael Figueroa, Marc Handler, and Richard Logue. (Communiqué 83, 85, 89, 91, 98, 99, 121, 124, 137)

External links[]
